Raffaele BELARDI posted on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:39:14 +0200 as excerpted:

> This is with HDA-intel driver on Nvidia nForce430/AD1986 chipset, icewm
> desktop. I just read from the kernel doc [2] that there is a "model
> name" parameter that defaults to '6stack' while my model is '3stack' so
> tonight I will try that.
> Any other hints before I try upstream?

Just that the alsa hda drivers are undergoing quite a lot of changes 
upstream ATM, so you might expect possible behavior changes for 2.6.31 as 
you seem to have gotten for 2.6.30.  I don't have that audio device here, 
mine's much older, but I do run direct git kernels, and have developed 
the habit of running a git whatchanged ORIG_HEAD.. after every git pull, 
just to follow the changes as they happen.  As such, I've seen a LOT of 
those alsa:hda commits going by, so I know it's quite active ATM.  
However, it does appear most of those are simply adding tweaks and new 
model numbers to the list of what it supports, not major changes, so it's 
not /that/ bad.  But there's still enough change that you might see bugs 
if you're running that hardware and nobody that's testing is running your 
particular model of it.  But if they're reported, they should be fixed in 
short order, and even if you don't report them, the hardware's apparently 
common enough on mew machines that it'll probably be fixed in a stable 
update or two. (2.6.30 to or .2, for instance, noting of course 
that those are the upstream versions, Gentoo uses -rX notation in place 
of the additional version digit, for its gentoo-sources packages.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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