On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I what way can I improve my use of the tools? I don't remember
> seeing a case before where revdep-rebuild -ip was clean but emerge
> --depclean didn't want to remove files. I.e. - the
> sys-libs/db-4.5.20_p2-r1 message.

I think revdep-rebuild is mostly unneeded these days with recent
portage versions thanks to the @preserved-rebuild system, at least in
my case it does the trick. Based on the above, I bet if you unmerge
the version of db that you don't want, emerge would then put the
appropriate packages in your @preserved-rebuild set and they'd be
rebuilt against the other version of db left over. Kind of like
revdep-rebuild but more intelligent, and no need to scan a million
files on your system every time. :)

I think you should run your commands in this order (slightly modified
from your above examples to ask instead of preview, so you don't need
to run them each twice):

#eix-sync (or emerge --sync/layman -S or however you sync your portage
& overlays)
#emerge -avDuN @world (and @system if it's not in your @world set)
#emerge -avDuN @preserved-build (if necessary)
#emerge --depclean -a
#revdep-rebuild -i -- -a (should only be run when the above commands
have nothing left to do)

That's all just my opinion of course :)

in my case I also use --keep-going so emerge/revdep-rebuild will build
as many things as possible even if one package fails.

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