On 12/4/2009 3:57 PM, Frank Peters wrote:
On Thu, 3 Dec 2009 20:36:48 -0600
Barry Schwartz<chemoelect...@chemoelectric.org>  wrote:
Depending on what the DOS fs stuff is for, sys-fs/ntfs3g might be a
better option, anyway, though I have a vfat partition from before I
discovered ntfs3g, and would keep dosfstools (and the kernel support)
and/or mtools around anyway, for working with those very occasional

It's not just floppies.  FAT still has a major use for formatting
memory cards in digital cameras.  If one is going to process digital
images with Linux one had better have the ability to handle FAT

Don't know whether such precaution is necessary, but I kept a small FAT (actually 8G is not so small) partition in my external harddisk that contains drivers for ntfs-3g for the platforms that I may meet at the middle of the road. It saved me a couple of times when I happen to be in a computer (or Gentoo Live CD) that can't read (or can only read) NTFS.

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