On Saturday 19 Dec 2009 20:59:52 Duncan wrote:
> Paul Stear posted on Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:27:49 +0000 as excerpted:
> > Thanks for the replies, I have updated the kernel, udev and hal and the
> > cd stays closed on boot.  Thanks for the info.  However I now have
> > another problem:
> > When I insert a usb drive or put a cd into the cd drive I am not getting
> > any notification that they have been detected.  I have now realised that
> > this hasn't been working for sometime. Any thoughts on how to resolve
> > this?
> No notice... on what level?  At the desktop?  What desktop environment do
> you use?  No notification in the system log?  For the USB drive, does the
> device show up as a new /dev/sdX when you plug it in?  Does lsusb see it?
> IOW, you didn't include enough information to know where to start on that
> problem, or even at what level the problem is appearing, system/kernel/
> udev level, desktop environment level, or somewhere on the stack (dbus,
> hal, perhaps fstab) between the two.
Hello Duncan,
You are right I didn't give enough information.
I am running kde 4.3.4.
dmesg reports the flash disc as sde The entry sde1 in directory media is blank. 
There is no entry for sde  also the kde desktop did not report the device, in 
fact no pop up at all.
Looking at /dev/disk/by-id:
ata-DVD-ROM_BVD316E link tp /hdb
ata-PHILIPS_DVDR16LS_DCV0516041208 linked to /hda

The In /DEV cdrom2 cdrom3 cdrw3 dvd2 dvd3 dvdrw3 are all linked to /hdb
but I have no entry for /hdb in /media
So again if I insert a music cd in any of the drives, nothing happens.  I used 
to get a pop up on the kde desktop asking what I wanted to do and displaying 
various options, e.g. play, copy, rip etc.

This seems to be a bit of a mess and help will be greatly appreciated.
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