On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Zhu Sha Zang <zhushaz...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> I have some machines running gentoo and every machine running under AMD
> Processors (64-bit profile), everything is right. Every source code compile
> fine.
> But, some machines, i've installed under Intel Core 2 Quad or i7 processor
> and this machines have problem compile especific 2 packages:
> glibc (>=2.11.2) and lvm2 (2.02.73-r1)
> It's weird, don't compile in any intel processor machine.
> Take a example of emerge --info uner i7 machine.
> Some hint!?

Hard to diagnose without an exact compile error - please copy the
error from the actual compilation.



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