Duncan wrote:
Dale posted on Wed, 08 Dec 2010 23:32:29 -0600 as excerpted:

I used lilo when I first started using Linux, Mandrake 9.1 days.  When I
started with Gentoo, I switched to grub.  I can't even imagine being
without grub.  I know lilo has some strong points and is maintained but
I still prefer grub.  I also read that a new grub is in the pipe too.
Supposed to be much better.  That's the rumor anyway.
Grub is nice on local machines, due to the ability to use its interactive
shell.  That can be quite useful when the config is screwed up for some
reason.  On remote machines where the interactivity until booted is much
lower anyway, that doesn't matter so much (if at all) and lilo is as good,
possibly better.

As for grub2... yes, it's in the pipe... as it has been for /years/.
Unfortunately, they did the same thing kde did and pulled support for
their current stable version LONG before the new version was stable,
leaving users between a rock and a hard place.  Fortunately, grub is far
smaller and less complex than all of kde, and distributions were able to
step in and pick up the slack (yeah, free software, try doing that with
servantware when the original company abandons it), continuing to both
keep it building with new toolchains, and add new features like support
for ext4, etc.

Unfortunately, last I knew, grub2 wasn't even officially on-disk-format-
stable yet, tho with ubuntu and etc already using it, it's getting more
difficult to change it, and they were /probably/ done with changes, but at
least last I knew, it wasn't official, yet.

FWIW, there's a (masked) grub-2 in the tree, that I've been thinking about
playing with at some point, but I've not gotten to it.  When I eventually
do, I'll know quite a bit more about it, but grub1 (0.97-rX) has continued
to work fine for me, so no rush.

One would think people would learn from KDE that stopping support for one to favor the new one makes people . . . upset. I guess some people never learn tho.


:-)  :-)

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