On Monday 07 February 2011 12:27:16 Paul Stear wrote:
> Hi,
> I am now using a new motherboard and processor - change from amd duo to
> intel quad.
> All seems to be working well except my previous post ref eth3.  However, I
> am having problems updating my programs.
> eix-sync went well and portage updated to
> I then do an emerge -auvtDN --keep-going world and I get hundreds of
> blocked packages for kde e.g.
> [blocks B     ] kde-base/kwrite:4.5[-kdeprefix] ("kde-base/kwrite:4.5[-
> kdeprefix]" is blocking kde-base/kwrite-4.6.0)
> I seem to have the current kde 4.5.5 required by @selected e.g.
>   (kde-base/kdebase-meta-4.5.5, installed) pulled in by
>     kde-base/kdebase-meta required by @selected
>     kde-base/kdebase-meta:4.5 required by @selected
> What is @selected, I have never heard of this before, do I need to change
> something? I can't seem to find this referenced in any documentation.
> Thanks for any help
> Paul
> PS attached emerge --info
Sorry to reply to my own post but it seems that my world file had all of the 
programs listed with ":4.5"
I don't know how this has happened but I removed the :4.5 from the lines and 
now if I run an emerge I get the following:-

Total: 268 packages (24 upgrades, 12 new, 228 in new slots, 4 reinstalls, 230 
uninstalls), Size of downloads: 424,321 kB
Conflict: 459 blocks

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] 

Why would 228 packages be installed in new slots?
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