On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 06:39:45 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

>  pan actually has more people working on it now than it has in a 
> very long time, at least since I've been around, perhaps ever! =:^)

Pan is another wonder of the open source world.  There is literally
nothing else in its class.  It's good to know that development is

Pan cannot upload binary files and that is another reason I have
to keep thunderbird in reserve.

>  I'm not much into 
> torrenting and when I do torrent, ktorrent has been my client of choice, 

For torrents, IMO, one cannot beat aria2: http://aria2.sf.net

It is a command line program.  Just open a terminal, enter a few
quick commands, and let it do its work.  It provides complete
status information continuously, and, within its domain, is on
par with any graphical program.

It's not that I have some extreme irrational bias against graphical
software, but, in the right hands, console based programs can still
perform wonderful things in terms of basic output.  Ncurses and s-lang
are very capable development tools.  But for some reason these things
are not appreciated by the average user who, if given a choice, will
usually gravitate to a graphical solution.

Frank Peters

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