Am Sun, 1 Mar 2015 19:20:02 +0100
schrieb Marc Joliet <>:

> But actually, while putting off finishing this email, I came to the 
> realisation
> that I could of course use WantedBy= in [Install], and following that idea I
> ended up with the following [Unit] and [Install] sections:
>     [Unit]
>     Description=Run hourly backups (timer)
>     Requisite=media-MARCEC_BACKUP.mount
>     BindsTo=media-MARCEC_BACKUP.mount
>     After=media-MARCEC_BACKUP.mount
>     [Install]
>     WantedBy=media-MARCEC_BACKUP.mount
> So the mount point and the timer both depend on each other (with the mount 
> unit
> starting first), so the mount tries to start the timer and vice versa, but 
> only
> the timer fails if the mount point doesn't exist.  And the BindsTo sees to it
> that the timer disappears if the mount does.  Preliminary tests show that it
> works: unmounting with udiskie shows that the backup timer disappears, and it
> re-appears after mounting the file system again.
> I'll have to see what the behaviour is during a cold boot.  The Requisite
> dependency on the mount point *should* make the Restart line in the
> corresponding service obsolete, since the WantedBy should make the timer start
> once the mount point shows up.  I could probably alternatively use
> ConditionPathIsMountPoint instead, but I think I prefer the timer failing.

Just FYI: I undid that fairly quickly since BindsTo is a superset of Requires,
thus systemd waits for 1m30s for the mount point to show up.  Ouch.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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