Mark Knecht <> skribis:
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Frank Peters <> 
> wrote:
> > On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 12:15:55 -0700
> > Mark Knecht <> wrote:
> >
> >> Yesterday I was emerge -DuN @world clean. It took hours due to Gentoo
> >> decisions about multilib stuff.
> >>
> >
> > Is it still necessary to be using multilib?
> >
> > I've been using pure AMD64 for so long I tend to forget that
> > 32-bit stuff still exists.
> >
> > Frank Peters
> Hi Frank,
>    Honestly, I really don't know and figure the answer is probably no,
> but it was when I set the machine up this way 5 or so years ago. Even
> today I still see messages from things like Virtualbox drivers saying
> they are using 32-bit modes, but what do I know? When emerge threw all
> this stuff at me Sunday I figured I had no reason to break a machine
> that has been working well so I let it do everything it wanted to do.
> I don't have any problems with them getting rid of emulation libraries
> and having everything built into the packages. I just wasn't prepare
> for the time it required yesterday.

I’m still working on it, myself. Various problems. Nothing I won’t be
able to figure out. My list of things to build ~amd64 instead of amd64
is growing a bit, for instance. Had to fix one of my overlay
ebuilds. Etc. Removed some 32-bit stuff at least temporarily. I do not
use 32-bit stuff very often.

The main problem at this case is emerge wanting to install libav
despite that I’m set up for ffmpeg. These things happen.

At least if you use emerge as your package manager, it’s probably safe
to go ahead and uninstall the emul packages, if you haven’t. The
binaries will stay in place until you build the replacements.

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