On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 8:30 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> Mark Knecht posted on Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:38:15 -0800 as excerpted:
> > The solution to this is eluding me. What changes, other than changing
> > /etc/timezone, are required to get a Gentoo machine to recognize that it
> > has moved physically and is living in a new timezone?
> >
> > I've just moved from Silicon Valley to Tucson, AZ. The machine came up
> > fine other than time being off by 1 hour which I expected. I changed
> > /etc/timezone from America/Los_Angeles to America/Phoenix and rebooted
> > and yet time is still showing California time.
> >
> > The system clock is UTC. [snipped]
> Welcome to AZ.  I'm in Phoenix.  Talking about time, the really nice
> thing about AZ is that it doesn't do daylight savings time, so you don't
> have to worry about time jumping around twice a year.  =:^)
> I first read your message this AM, before work, but while I remembered
> that there was another file to configure, I forgot what it was, and
> didn't have time to look it up, so it had to wait until tonite.
> So I just looked it up in the handbook, and thus can point you right at
> it. =:^)
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Base#Timezone
> You did the first part of it, setting /etc/timezone, but didn't do the
> second part, setting /etc/localtime, which is used by glibc to know your
> timezone.  You can either do it using the command in the handbook:
> emerge --config sys-libs/timezone-data
> ... or you can do it manually by copying the appropriate timezone file
> from /usr/share/zoneinfo/ to /etc/localtime, for AZ:
> cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix /etc/localtime

Thanks Duncan. I looked at that file (cat /etc/timezone) for a moment
this morning  - the name is so obvious - but it was a binary and then
for some reason I never followed up in Google. My bad. All fixed now.

If you find yourself in Tucson let me know and I'll buy you a beer or
two (or whatever you drink) for all the help over the years.

Gotta say I'm digging all the jazz on NPR here at night. I was in the
Bay Area for the last nearly 40 years and KQED up there is a power
house station but nighttime radio was more or less a repeat of what's
on during the day. The Tucson station is more varied.


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