Daiajo Tibdixious posted on Fri, 22 Apr 2016 20:01:24 +1000 as excerpted:

> I found (buy running with --debug) that its not running my changed
> ebuild.
> I had to do ebuild clean phase & run from the beginning each time to
> make it see any changes.

Yeah.  Once you're working with ebuild, not emerge, you normally need to 
run ebuild <ebuild> clean to start over.  IIRC emerge has a keep-work 
feature that will normally do the same thing, and of course if an ebuild 
fails it usually keeps it for you to look at, but by default emerge will 
clean up old work before it starts a new merge of the same package, while 
with ebuild you have to tell it to do so.

With ebuild it is also possible to delete individual ebuild phase tracker 
files (like .unpacked, .setuped, .prepared, .configured, .compiled,
.installed, etc, in the ebuild's tmpdir) in ordered to have it back up 
part way, not starting completely over, but starting over at a particular 

I suppose most gentooers used to troubleshooting their own ebuild 
problems and sometimes generating their own patches get familiar with 
this sort of stuff over time.  I know I have.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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