Its a known problem, there is a bug up about it (sorry forget the number).
Apparently various files (like the digest) take a different path, and
aren't being updated due to some
problem with files getting updated without their time stamp changing,
so rsync doesn't update them.

I haven't had it for a few weeks, thought they had it fixed.

On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Mark Knecht <> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I wonder if anyone else has been seeing a lot of mismatches when
> attempting to emerge lately? I update about once a week, possibly twice a
> week, and it seems that every time for the last month or two there are
> always problems like this:
> !!! Digest verification failed:
> !!! /usr/portage/media-video/libav/ChangeLog
> !!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
> !!! Got: 5982
> !!! Expected: 5777
> Today I had five such errors.
>    Generally I give it a few days and find it's been cleared up but I don't
> remember a time in the past 5 or maybe 10 years where I've seen as many of
> these and I'm not sure where to report them, or whether they are really
> worth reporting as they all eventually get cleaned up.
> Thanks,
> Mark

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