commit:     50fcd4aacafbb5d9b08330e9c4d54196c010412c
Author:     Chema Alonso Josa <nimiux <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sat Oct 28 14:25:03 2017 +0000
Commit:     José María Alonso <nimiux <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Oct 28 14:25:03 2017 +0000

elisp.eclass: Copy from gentoo repo

 eclass/elisp-common.eclass | 414 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 eclass/elisp.eclass        | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 632 insertions(+)

diff --git a/eclass/elisp-common.eclass b/eclass/elisp-common.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05b03f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/elisp-common.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# @ECLASS: elisp-common.eclass
+# Gentoo GNU Emacs project <>
+# Matthew Kennedy <>
+# Jeremy Maitin-Shepard <>
+# Mamoru Komachi <>
+# Christian Faulhammer <>
+# Ulrich Müller <>
+# @BLURB: Emacs-related installation utilities
+# Usually you want to use this eclass for (optional) GNU Emacs support
+# of your package.  This is NOT for XEmacs!
+# Many of the steps here are sometimes done by the build system of your
+# package (especially compilation), so this is mainly for standalone
+# elisp files you gathered from somewhere else.
+# When relying on the emacs USE flag, you need to add
+# @CODE
+#      emacs? ( virtual/emacs )
+# @CODE
+# to your DEPEND/RDEPEND line and use the functions provided here to
+# bring the files to the correct locations.
+# If your package requires a minimum Emacs version, e.g. Emacs 24, then
+# the dependency should be on >=virtual/emacs-24 instead.  Because the
+# user can select the Emacs executable with eselect, you should also
+# make sure that the active Emacs version is sufficient.  This can be
+# tested with function elisp-need-emacs(), which would typically be
+# called from pkg_setup(), as in the following example:
+# @CODE
+#      elisp-need-emacs 24 || die "Emacs version too low"
+# @CODE
+# Please note that such tests should be limited to packages that are
+# known to fail with lower Emacs versions; the standard case is to
+# depend on virtual/emacs without version.
+# @ROFF .SS
+# src_compile() usage:
+# An elisp file is compiled by the elisp-compile() function defined
+# here and simply takes the source files as arguments.  The case of
+# interdependent elisp files is also supported, since the current
+# directory is added to the load-path which makes sure that all files
+# are loadable.
+# @CODE
+#      elisp-compile *.el
+# @CODE
+# Function elisp-make-autoload-file() can be used to generate a file
+# with autoload definitions for the lisp functions.  It takes the output
+# file name (default: "${PN}-autoloads.el") and a list of directories
+# (default: working directory) as its arguments.  Use of this function
+# requires that the elisp source files contain magic ";;;###autoload"
+# comments.  See the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (node "Autoload") for
+# a detailed explanation.
+# @ROFF .SS
+# src_install() usage:
+# The resulting compiled files (.elc) should be put in a subdirectory of
+# /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ which is named after the first argument
+# of elisp-install().  The following parameters are the files to be put
+# in that directory.  Usually the subdirectory should be ${PN}, you can
+# choose something else, but remember to tell elisp-site-file-install()
+# (see below) the change, as it defaults to ${PN}.
+# @CODE
+#      elisp-install ${PN} *.el *.elc
+# @CODE
+# To let the Emacs support be activated by Emacs on startup, you need
+# to provide a site file (shipped in ${FILESDIR}) which contains the
+# startup code (have a look in the documentation of your software).
+# Normally this would look like this:
+# @CODE
+#      (add-to-list 'load-path "@SITELISP@")
+#      (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.csv\\'" . csv-mode))
+#      (autoload 'csv-mode "csv-mode" "Major mode for csv files." t)
+# @CODE
+# If your Emacs support files are installed in a subdirectory of
+# /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ (which is strongly recommended), you need
+# to extend Emacs' load-path as shown in the first non-comment line.
+# The elisp-site-file-install() function of this eclass will replace
+# "@SITELISP@" and "@SITEETC@" by the actual paths.
+# The next line tells Emacs to load the mode opening a file ending
+# with ".csv" and load functions depending on the context and needed
+# features.  Be careful though.  Commands as "load-library" or "require"
+# bloat the editor as they are loaded on every startup.  When having
+# many Emacs support files, users may be annoyed by the start-up time.
+# Also avoid keybindings as they might interfere with the user's
+# settings.  Give a hint in pkg_postinst(), which should be enough.
+# The guiding principle is that emerging your package should not by
+# itself cause a change of standard Emacs behaviour.
+# The naming scheme for this site-init file matches the shell pattern
+# "[1-8][0-9]*-gentoo*.el", where the two digits at the beginning define
+# the loading order (numbers below 10 or above 89 are reserved for
+# internal use).  So if your initialisation depends on another Emacs
+# package, your site file's number must be higher!  If there are no such
+# interdependencies then the number should be 50.  Otherwise, numbers
+# divisible by 10 are preferred.
+# Best practice is to define a SITEFILE variable in the global scope of
+# your ebuild (e.g., right after S or RDEPEND):
+# @CODE
+#      SITEFILE="50${PN}-gentoo.el"
+# @CODE
+# Which is then installed by
+# @CODE
+#      elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}/${SITEFILE}"
+# @CODE
+# in src_install().  Any characters after the "-gentoo" part and before
+# the extension will be stripped from the destination file's name.
+# For example, a file "50${PN}-gentoo-${PV}.el" will be installed as
+# "50${PN}-gentoo.el".  If your subdirectory is not named ${PN}, give
+# the differing name as second argument.
+# @ROFF .SS
+# pkg_postinst() / pkg_postrm() usage:
+# After that you need to recreate the start-up file of Emacs after
+# emerging and unmerging by using
+# @CODE
+#      pkg_postinst() {
+#              elisp-site-regen
+#      }
+#      pkg_postrm() {
+#              elisp-site-regen
+#      }
+# @CODE
+# When having optional Emacs support, you should prepend "use emacs &&"
+# to above calls of elisp-site-regen().
+# Don't use "has_version virtual/emacs"!  When unmerging the state of
+# the emacs USE flag is taken from the package database and not from the
+# environment, so it is no problem when you unset USE=emacs between
+# merge and unmerge of a package.
+# Directory where packages install Emacs Lisp files.
+# Directory where packages install miscellaneous (not Lisp) files.
+# Path of Emacs executable.
+# Flags for executing Emacs in batch mode.
+# These work for Emacs versions 18-24, so don't change them.
+EMACSFLAGS="-batch -q --no-site-file"
+# Emacs flags used for byte-compilation in elisp-compile().
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-emacs-version
+# @RETURN: exit status of Emacs
+# Output version of currently active Emacs.
+elisp-emacs-version() {
+       local version ret
+       # The following will work for at least versions 18-24.
+       echo "(princ emacs-version)" >"${T}"/emacs-version.el
+       version=$(
+               # EMACS could be a microemacs variant that ignores the -batch
+               # option and would therefore hang, waiting for user interaction.
+               # Redirecting stdin and unsetting TERM and DISPLAY will cause
+               # most of them to exit with an error.
+               unset TERM DISPLAY
+               ${EMACS} ${EMACSFLAGS} -l "${T}"/emacs-version.el </dev/null
+       )
+       ret=$?
+       rm -f "${T}"/emacs-version.el
+       if [[ ${ret} -ne 0 ]]; then
+               eerror "elisp-emacs-version: Failed to run ${EMACS}"
+               return ${ret}
+       fi
+       if [[ -z ${version} ]]; then
+               eerror "elisp-emacs-version: Could not determine Emacs version"
+               return 1
+       fi
+       echo "${version}"
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-need-emacs
+# @USAGE: <version>
+# @RETURN: 0 if true, 1 if false, 2 if trouble
+# Test if the eselected Emacs version is at least the major version
+# of GNU Emacs specified as argument.
+elisp-need-emacs() {
+       local need_emacs=$1 have_emacs
+       have_emacs=$(elisp-emacs-version) || return 2
+       einfo "Emacs version: ${have_emacs}"
+       if [[ ${have_emacs} =~ XEmacs|Lucid ]]; then
+               eerror "This package needs GNU Emacs."
+               return 1
+       fi
+       if ! [[ ${have_emacs%%.*} -ge ${need_emacs%%.*} ]]; then
+               eerror "This package needs at least Emacs ${need_emacs%%.*}."
+               eerror "Use \"eselect emacs\" to select the active version."
+               return 1
+       fi
+       return 0
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-compile
+# @USAGE: <list of elisp files>
+# Byte-compile Emacs Lisp files.
+# This function uses GNU Emacs to byte-compile all ".el" specified by
+# its arguments.  The resulting byte-code (".elc") files are placed in
+# the same directory as their corresponding source file.
+# The current directory is added to the load-path.  This will ensure
+# that interdependent Emacs Lisp files are visible between themselves,
+# in case they require or load one another.
+elisp-compile() {
+       ebegin "Compiling GNU Emacs Elisp files"
+       ${EMACS} ${EMACSFLAGS} ${BYTECOMPFLAGS} -f batch-byte-compile "$@"
+       eend $? "elisp-compile: batch-byte-compile failed" || die
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-make-autoload-file
+# @USAGE: [output file] [list of directories]
+# Generate a file with autoload definitions for the lisp functions.
+elisp-make-autoload-file() {
+       local f="${1:-${PN}-autoloads.el}" null="" page=$'\f'
+       shift
+       ebegin "Generating autoload file for GNU Emacs"
+       cat >"${f}" <<-EOF
+       ;;; ${f##*/} --- autoloads for ${PN}
+       ;;; Commentary:
+       ;; Automatically generated by elisp-common.eclass
+       ;;; Code:
+       ${page}
+       ;; Local ${null}Variables:
+       ;; version-control: never
+       ;; no-byte-compile: t
+       ;; no-update-autoloads: t
+       ;; End:
+       ;;; ${f##*/} ends here
+       EOF
+       ${EMACS} ${EMACSFLAGS} \
+               --eval "(setq make-backup-files nil)" \
+               --eval "(setq generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name 
\"${f}\"))" \
+               -f batch-update-autoloads "${@-.}"
+       eend $? "elisp-make-autoload-file: batch-update-autoloads failed" || die
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-install
+# @USAGE: <subdirectory> <list of files>
+# Install files in SITELISP directory.
+elisp-install() {
+       local subdir="$1"
+       shift
+       ebegin "Installing Elisp files for GNU Emacs support"
+       ( # subshell to avoid pollution of calling environment
+               insinto "${SITELISP}/${subdir}"
+               doins "$@"
+       )
+       eend $? "elisp-install: doins failed" || die
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-site-file-install
+# @USAGE: <site-init file> [subdirectory]
+# Install Emacs site-init file in SITELISP directory.  Automatically
+# inserts a standard comment header with the name of the package (unless
+# it is already present).  Tokens @SITELISP@ and @SITEETC@ are replaced
+# by the path to the package's subdirectory in SITELISP and SITEETC,
+# respectively.
+elisp-site-file-install() {
+       local sf="${1##*/}" my_pn="${2:-${PN}}" ret
+       local header=";;; ${PN} site-lisp configuration"
+       [[ ${sf} == [0-9][0-9]*-gentoo*.el ]] \
+               || ewarn "elisp-site-file-install: bad name of site-init file"
+       [[ ${sf%-gentoo*.el} != "${sf}" ]] && sf="${sf%-gentoo*.el}-gentoo.el"
+       sf="${T}/${sf}"
+       ebegin "Installing site initialisation file for GNU Emacs"
+       [[ $1 = "${sf}" ]] || cp "$1" "${sf}"
+       sed -i -e 
"1{:x;/^\$/{n;bx;};/^;.*${PN}/I!s:^:${header}\n\n:;1s:^:\n:;}" \
+               -e "s:@SITELISP@:${EPREFIX}${SITELISP}/${my_pn}:g" \
+               -e "s:@SITEETC@:${EPREFIX}${SITEETC}/${my_pn}:g;\$q" "${sf}"
+       ( # subshell to avoid pollution of calling environment
+               insinto "${SITELISP}/site-gentoo.d"
+               doins "${sf}"
+       )
+       ret=$?
+       rm -f "${sf}"
+       eend ${ret} "elisp-site-file-install: doins failed" || die
+# @FUNCTION: elisp-site-regen
+# Regenerate the site-gentoo.el file, based on packages' site
+# initialisation files in the /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-gentoo.d/
+# directory.
+elisp-site-regen() {
+       local sitelisp=${ROOT%/}${EPREFIX}${SITELISP}
+       local sf i ret=0 null="" page=$'\f'
+       local -a sflist
+       if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} = *rm && ! -e ${sitelisp}/site-gentoo.el ]]; then
+               ewarn "Refusing to create site-gentoo.el in ${EBUILD_PHASE} 
+               return 0
+       fi
+       [[ -d ${sitelisp} ]] \
+               || die "elisp-site-regen: Directory ${sitelisp} does not exist"
+       [[ -d ${T} ]] \
+               || die "elisp-site-regen: Temporary directory ${T} does not 
+       ebegin "Regenerating site-gentoo.el for GNU Emacs (${EBUILD_PHASE})"
+       for sf in "${sitelisp}"/site-gentoo.d/[0-9][0-9]*.el; do
+               [[ -r ${sf} ]] && sflist+=("${sf}")
+       done
+       cat <<-EOF >"${T}"/site-gentoo.el || ret=$?
+       ;;; site-gentoo.el --- site initialisation for Gentoo-installed packages
+       ;;; Commentary:
+       ;; Automatically generated by elisp-common.eclass
+       ;;; Code:
+       EOF
+       # Use sed instead of cat here, since files may miss a trailing newline.
+       sed '$q' "${sflist[@]}" </dev/null >>"${T}"/site-gentoo.el || ret=$?
+       cat <<-EOF >>"${T}"/site-gentoo.el || ret=$?
+       ${page}
+       (provide 'site-gentoo)
+       ;; Local ${null}Variables:
+       ;; no-byte-compile: t
+       ;; buffer-read-only: t
+       ;; End:
+       ;;; site-gentoo.el ends here
+       EOF
+       if [[ ${ret} -ne 0 ]]; then
+               eend ${ret} "elisp-site-regen: Writing site-gentoo.el failed."
+               die
+       elif cmp -s "${sitelisp}"/site-gentoo.el "${T}"/site-gentoo.el; then
+               # This prevents outputting unnecessary text when there
+               # was actually no change.
+               # A case is a remerge where we have doubled output.
+               rm -f "${T}"/site-gentoo.el
+               eend
+               einfo "... no changes."
+       else
+               mv "${T}"/site-gentoo.el "${sitelisp}"/site-gentoo.el
+               eend $? "elisp-site-regen: Replacing site-gentoo.el failed" || 
+               case ${#sflist[@]} in
+                       0) [[ ${PN} = emacs-common-gentoo ]] \
+                               || ewarn "... Huh? No site initialisation files 
found." ;;
+                       1) einfo "... ${#sflist[@]} site initialisation file 
included." ;;
+                       *) einfo "... ${#sflist[@]} site initialisation files 
included." ;;
+               esac
+       fi
+       return 0

diff --git a/eclass/elisp.eclass b/eclass/elisp.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..078a7994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/elisp.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# @ECLASS: elisp.eclass
+# Gentoo GNU Emacs project <>
+# Matthew Kennedy <>
+# Jeremy Maitin-Shepard <>
+# Christian Faulhammer <>
+# Ulrich Müller <>
+# @BLURB: Eclass for Emacs Lisp packages
+# This eclass is designed to install elisp files of Emacs related
+# packages into the site-lisp directory.  The majority of elisp packages
+# will only need to define the standard ebuild variables (like SRC_URI)
+# and optionally SITEFILE for successful installation.
+# Emacs support for other than pure elisp packages is handled by
+# elisp-common.eclass where you won't have a dependency on Emacs itself.
+# All elisp-* functions are documented there.
+# If the package's source is a single (in whatever way) compressed elisp
+# file with the file name ${P}.el, then this eclass will move ${P}.el to
+# ${PN}.el in src_unpack().
+# If you need anything different from Emacs 23, use the NEED_EMACS
+# variable before inheriting elisp.eclass.  Set it to the major version
+# your package uses and the dependency will be adjusted.
+# Space separated list of patches to apply after unpacking the sources.
+# Patch files are searched for in the current working dir, WORKDIR, and
+# Space separated list of files to remove after unpacking the sources.
+# Name of package's site-init file.  The filename must match the shell
+# pattern "[1-8][0-9]*-gentoo.el"; numbers below 10 and above 89 are
+# reserved for internal use.  "50${PN}-gentoo.el" is a reasonable choice
+# in most cases.
+# Space separated list of Texinfo sources.  Respective GNU Info files
+# will be generated in src_compile() and installed in src_install().
+# DOCS="blah.txt ChangeLog" is automatically used to install the given
+# files by dodoc in src_install().
+inherit elisp-common
+case ${EAPI:-0} in
+       0|1)
+               inherit eutils
+               EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_{unpack,compile,install} \
+                       pkg_{setup,postinst,postrm} ;;
+       2|3|4|5)
+               inherit eutils
+               EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_{unpack,prepare,configure,compile,install} 
+                       pkg_{setup,postinst,postrm} ;;
+       6)
+               EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_{unpack,prepare,configure,compile,install} 
+                       pkg_{setup,postinst,postrm} ;;
+       *) die "${ECLASS}: EAPI ${EAPI} not supported" ;;
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_pkg_setup
+# Test if the eselected Emacs version is sufficient to fulfil the major
+# version requirement of the NEED_EMACS variable.
+elisp_pkg_setup() {
+       elisp-need-emacs "${NEED_EMACS:-23}"
+       case $? in
+               0) ;;
+               1) die "Emacs version too low" ;;
+               *) die "Could not determine Emacs version" ;;
+       esac
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_src_unpack
+# Unpack the sources; also handle the case of a single *.el file in
+# WORKDIR for packages distributed that way.  For EAPIs without
+# src_prepare, call elisp_src_prepare.
+elisp_src_unpack() {
+       [[ -n ${A} ]] && unpack ${A}
+       if [[ -f ${P}.el ]]; then
+               # the "simple elisp" case with a single *.el file in WORKDIR
+               mv ${P}.el ${PN}.el || die
+               [[ -d ${S} ]] || S=${WORKDIR}
+       fi
+       case ${EAPI:-0} in
+               0|1) [[ -d ${S} ]] && cd "${S}"
+                       elisp_src_prepare ;;
+       esac
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_src_prepare
+# Apply any patches listed in ELISP_PATCHES.  Patch files are searched
+# for in the current working dir, WORKDIR, and FILESDIR.
+elisp_src_prepare() {
+       local patch file
+       for patch in ${ELISP_PATCHES}; do
+               if [[ -f ${patch} ]]; then
+                       file="${patch}"
+               elif [[ -f ${WORKDIR}/${patch} ]]; then
+                       file="${WORKDIR}/${patch}"
+               elif [[ -f ${FILESDIR}/${patch} ]]; then
+                       file="${FILESDIR}/${patch}"
+               else
+                       die "Cannot find ${patch}"
+               fi
+               case ${EAPI:-0} in
+                       0|1|2|3|4|5) epatch "${file}" ;;
+                       6) eapply "${file}" ;;
+               esac
+       done
+       # apply any user patches
+       case ${EAPI:-0} in
+               0|1|2|3|4|5) epatch_user ;;
+               6) eapply_user ;;
+       esac
+       if [[ -n ${ELISP_REMOVE} ]]; then
+               rm ${ELISP_REMOVE} || die
+       fi
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_src_configure
+# Do nothing, because Emacs packages seldomly bring a full build system.
+elisp_src_configure() { :; }
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_src_compile
+# Call elisp-compile to byte-compile all Emacs Lisp (*.el) files.
+# If ELISP_TEXINFO lists any Texinfo sources, call makeinfo to generate
+# GNU Info files from them.
+elisp_src_compile() {
+       elisp-compile *.el
+       if [[ -n ${ELISP_TEXINFO} ]]; then
+               makeinfo ${ELISP_TEXINFO} || die
+       fi
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_src_install
+# Call elisp-install to install all Emacs Lisp (*.el and *.elc) files.
+# If the SITEFILE variable specifies a site-init file, install it with
+# elisp-site-file-install.  Also install any GNU Info files listed in
+# ELISP_TEXINFO and documentation listed in the DOCS variable.
+elisp_src_install() {
+       elisp-install ${PN} *.el *.elc
+       if [[ -n ${SITEFILE} ]]; then
+               elisp-site-file-install "${FILESDIR}/${SITEFILE}"
+       fi
+       if [[ -n ${ELISP_TEXINFO} ]]; then
+               set -- ${ELISP_TEXINFO}
+               set -- ${@##*/}
+               doinfo ${@/%.*/.info*} || die
+       fi
+       if [[ -n ${DOCS} ]]; then
+               dodoc ${DOCS} || die
+       fi
+       if declare -f readme.gentoo_create_doc >/dev/null; then
+               readme.gentoo_create_doc
+       fi
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_pkg_postinst
+# Call elisp-site-regen, in order to collect the site initialisation for
+# all installed Emacs Lisp packages in the site-gentoo.el file.
+elisp_pkg_postinst() {
+       elisp-site-regen
+       if declare -f readme.gentoo_print_elog >/dev/null; then
+               readme.gentoo_print_elog
+       fi
+# @FUNCTION: elisp_pkg_postrm
+# Call elisp-site-regen, in order to collect the site initialisation for
+# all installed Emacs Lisp packages in the site-gentoo.el file.
+elisp_pkg_postrm() {
+       elisp-site-regen

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