commit:     0e9f26758cdc285372757707d8e0db28475f91ac
Author:     Patrick McLean <patrick.mclean <AT> sony <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 15 21:15:22 2019 +0000
Commit:     Patrick McLean <chutzpah <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Fri Mar 15 21:18:36 2019 +0000

sys-cluster/ceph: Version bump to 13.2.5

Remove dependency on nodejs (bug #675744)

Copyright: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.62, Repoman-2.3.12
Signed-off-by: Patrick McLean <chutzpah <AT>>

 sys-cluster/ceph/Manifest           |   1 +
 sys-cluster/ceph/ceph-13.2.5.ebuild | 322 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 323 insertions(+)

diff --git a/sys-cluster/ceph/Manifest b/sys-cluster/ceph/Manifest
index fd8e0ccbd0a..14f64964442 100644
--- a/sys-cluster/ceph/Manifest
+++ b/sys-cluster/ceph/Manifest
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ DIST ceph-13.2.1.tar.gz 90786830 BLAKE2B 
 DIST ceph-13.2.2-frontend-node-modules.tar.xz 45100632 BLAKE2B 
 DIST ceph-13.2.2.tar.gz 90840817 BLAKE2B 
 DIST ceph-13.2.4.tar.gz 90910119 BLAKE2B 
+DIST ceph-13.2.5.tar.gz 91006057 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/sys-cluster/ceph/ceph-13.2.5.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cca90b166f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/ceph/ceph-13.2.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_{4,5,6}} )
+inherit check-reqs bash-completion-r1 cmake-utils distutils-r1 flag-o-matic \
+               multiprocessing python-r1 udev user readme.gentoo-r1 
toolchain-funcs \
+               systemd
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+       inherit git-r3
+       EGIT_REPO_URI="";
+       SRC_URI=""
+       SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz";
+       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="Ceph distributed filesystem"
+LICENSE="LGPL-2.1 CC-BY-SA-3.0 GPL-2 BSD Boost-1.0 MIT"
+CPU_FLAGS_X86=(sse{,2,3,4_1,4_2} ssse3)
+IUSE="babeltrace cephfs dpdk fuse jemalloc ldap lttng +mgr"
+IUSE+=" +radosgw +ssl static-libs +system-boost systemd +tcmalloc test"
+IUSE+=" xfs zfs"
+IUSE+=" $(printf "cpu_flags_x86_%s\n" ${CPU_FLAGS_X86[@]})"
+# unbundling code commented out pending bugs 584056 and 584058
+       virtual/libudev:=
+       app-arch/bzip2:=[static-libs?]
+       app-arch/lz4:=[static-libs?]
+       app-arch/snappy:=[static-libs?]
+       app-arch/zstd:=[static-libs?]
+       app-misc/jq:=[static-libs?]
+       dev-libs/crypto++:=[static-libs?]
+       dev-libs/leveldb:=[snappy,static-libs?,tcmalloc?]
+       dev-libs/libaio:=[static-libs?]
+       dev-libs/libxml2:=[static-libs?]
+       dev-libs/nss:=
+       sys-auth/oath-toolkit:=
+       sys-apps/keyutils:=[static-libs?]
+       sys-apps/util-linux:=[static-libs?]
+       sys-libs/zlib:=[static-libs?]
+       babeltrace? ( dev-util/babeltrace )
+       ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:=[static-libs?] )
+       lttng? ( dev-util/lttng-ust:= )
+       fuse? ( sys-fs/fuse:0=[static-libs?] )
+       ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs?] )
+       xfs? ( sys-fs/xfsprogs:=[static-libs?] )
+       zfs? ( sys-fs/zfs:=[static-libs?] )
+       radosgw? (
+               dev-libs/expat:=[static-libs?]
+               dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs?]
+               net-misc/curl:=[curl_ssl_openssl,static-libs?]
+       )
+       system-boost? (
+       )
+       jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:=[static-libs?] )
+       !jemalloc? ( >=dev-util/google-perftools-2.4:=[static-libs?] )
+       ${PYTHON_DEPS}
+       "
+       amd64? ( dev-lang/yasm )
+       x86? ( dev-lang/yasm )
+       app-arch/cpio
+       dev-python/cython[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/sphinx
+       dev-util/cunit
+       dev-util/gperf
+       dev-util/valgrind
+       sys-apps/which
+       sys-devel/bc
+       virtual/pkgconfig
+       test? (
+               dev-python/coverage[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+               dev-python/tox[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+               dev-python/virtualenv[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+               sys-apps/grep[pcre]
+               sys-fs/btrfs-progs
+       )"
+       net-misc/socat
+       sys-apps/gptfdisk
+       sys-block/parted
+       sys-fs/cryptsetup
+       sys-fs/lvm2
+       !<sys-apps/openrc-0.26.3
+       dev-python/bcrypt[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/cherrypy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/flask[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/jinja[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/pecan[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/prettytable[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/pyopenssl[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/requests[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       dev-python/werkzeug[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+       "
+       || ( $(python_gen_useflags 'python3*') )
+       ?? ( jemalloc tcmalloc )
+       "
+# the tests need root access
+RESTRICT="test? ( userpriv )"
+# distribution tarball does not include everything needed for tests
+RESTRICT+=" test"
+# false positives unless all USE flags are on
+       src/erasure-code/jerasure/jerasure
+       src/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-12.2.0-use-provided-cpu-flag-values.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-12.2.0-cflags.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-12.2.4-boost-build-none-options.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-13.2.0-cflags.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-12.2.4-rocksdb-cflags.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-13.2.0-mgr-python-version.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-13.2.0-no-virtualenvs.patch"
+       "${FILESDIR}/ceph-13.2.2-dont-install-sysvinit-script.patch"
+check-reqs_export_vars() {
+       if use amd64; then
+               CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="12G"
+               CHECKREQS_DISK_USR="460M"
+       else
+               CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="1400M"
+               CHECKREQS_DISK_USR="450M"
+       fi
+user_setup() {
+       enewgroup ceph ${CEPH_GID}
+       enewuser ceph "${CEPH_UID:--1}" -1 /var/lib/ceph ceph
+pkg_pretend() {
+       check-reqs_export_vars
+       check-reqs_pkg_pretend
+pkg_setup() {
+       python_setup 'python3*'
+       check-reqs_export_vars
+       check-reqs_pkg_setup
+       user_setup
+src_prepare() {
+       cmake-utils_src_prepare
+       if use system-boost; then
+               eapply "${FILESDIR}/ceph-13.2.0-boost-sonames.patch"
+       fi
+       sed -i -r "s:DESTINATION .+\\):DESTINATION $(get_bashcompdir)\\):" \
+               src/bash_completion/CMakeLists.txt || die
+       # remove tests that need root access
+       rm src/test/cli/ceph-authtool/cap*.t || die
+       #rm -rf "${UNBUNDLE_LIBS[@]}"
+ceph_src_configure() {
+       local flag
+       local mycmakeargs=(
+               -DWITH_BABELTRACE=$(usex babeltrace)
+               -DWITH_CEPHFS=$(usex cephfs)
+               -DWITH_DPDK=$(usex dpdk)
+               -DWITH_FUSE=$(usex fuse)
+               -DWITH_LTTNG=$(usex lttng)
+               -DWITH_MGR=$(usex mgr)
+               -DWITH_OPENLDAP=$(usex ldap)
+               -DWITH_RADOSGW=$(usex radosgw)
+               -DWITH_SSL=$(usex ssl)
+               -DWITH_SYSTEMD=$(usex systemd)
+               -DWITH_TESTS=$(usex test)
+               -DWITH_XFS=$(usex xfs)
+               -DWITH_ZFS=$(usex zfs)
+               -DENABLE_SHARED=$(usex static-libs '' 'yes' 'no')
+               -DALLOCATOR=$(usex tcmalloc 'tcmalloc' "$(usex jemalloc 
'jemalloc' 'libc')")
+               -DWITH_SYSTEM_BOOST=$(usex system-boost)
+               -DBOOST_J=$(makeopts_jobs)
+               -DWITH_RDMA=no
+               -DSYSTEMD_UNITDIR=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
+               -DEPYTHON_VERSION="${EPYTHON#python}"
+               -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${P}"
+               -Wno-dev
+       )
+       if use amd64 || use x86; then
+               for flag in ${CPU_FLAGS_X86[@]}; do
+                       mycmakeargs+=("$(usex cpu_flags_x86_${flag} 
+               done
+       fi
+       rm -f "${BUILD_DIR:-${S}}/CMakeCache.txt"
+       cmake-utils_src_configure
+       # bug #630232
+       sed -i "s:\"${T//:\\:}/${EPYTHON}/bin/python\":\"${PYTHON}\":" \
+               "${BUILD_DIR:-${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR:-${S}}}"/include/acconfig.h \
+               || die "sed failed"
+src_configure() {
+       ceph_src_configure
+python_compile() {
+       local CMAKE_USE_DIR="${S}"
+       ceph_src_configure
+       rm -r "${BUILD_DIR}/lib/cython_modules" || die
+       pushd "${BUILD_DIR}/src/pybind" >/dev/null || die
+       emake VERBOSE=1 clean
+       emake VERBOSE=1 all
+       # python modules are only compiled with "make install" so we need to do 
this to
+       # prevent doing a bunch of compilation in src_install
+       DESTDIR="${T}" emake VERBOSE=1 install
+       popd >/dev/null || die
+src_compile() {
+       cmake-utils_src_make VERBOSE=1 all
+       # we have to do this here to prevent from building everything multiple 
+       BUILD_DIR="${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}" python_copy_sources
+       python_foreach_impl python_compile
+src_test() {
+       make check || die "make check failed"
+python_install() {
+       local CMAKE_USE_DIR="${S}"
+       pushd "${BUILD_DIR}/src/pybind" >/dev/null || die
+       DESTDIR="${ED}" emake install
+       popd >/dev/null || die
+src_install() {
+       cmake-utils_src_install
+       python_foreach_impl python_install
+       prune_libtool_files --all
+       exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/ceph
+       newexe "${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/bin/init-ceph"
+       insinto /etc/logrotate.d/
+       newins "${FILESDIR}"/ceph.logrotate-r2 ${PN}
+       keepdir /var/lib/${PN}{,/tmp} /var/log/${PN}/stat
+       fowners -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph /var/log/ceph
+       newinitd "${FILESDIR}/rbdmap.initd" rbdmap
+       newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd-r11" ${PN}
+       newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-r5" ${PN}
+       insinto /etc/sysctl.d
+       newins "${FILESDIR}"/sysctld 90-${PN}.conf
+       use tcmalloc && newenvd "${FILESDIR}"/envd-tcmalloc 99${PN}-tcmalloc
+       # units aren't installed by the build system unless systemd is enabled
+       # so no point installing these with the USE flag disabled
+       if use systemd; then
+               systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}/ceph-mds_at.service.conf" 
+                       "ceph-mds@.service"
+               systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}/ceph-osd_at.service.conf" 
+                       "ceph-osd@.service"
+       fi
+       udev_dorules udev/*.rules
+       readme.gentoo_create_doc
+       python_setup 'python3*'
+       # bug #630232
+       sed -i -r "s:${T//:/\\:}/${EPYTHON}:/usr:" "${ED}"/usr/bin/ceph \
+               || die "sed failed"
+       python_fix_shebang "${ED}"/usr/{,s}bin/
+       # python_fix_shebang apparently is not idempotent
+       sed -i -r  
's:(/usr/lib/python-exec/python[0-9]\.[0-9]/python)[0-9]\.[0-9]:\1:' \
+               "${ED}"/usr/{sbin/ceph-disk,bin/ceph-detect-init} || die "sed 
+pkg_postinst() {
+       readme.gentoo_print_elog

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