commit:     aa71fa186c27400fbe455b8e769e393cdc739f3b
Author:     Brian Evans <grknight <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Mar 19 19:00:17 2019 +0000
Commit:     Brian Evans <grknight <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Mar 19 19:00:17 2019 +0000

Revert "Fix missing GuideXML instructions"

This reverts commit 4e21f95eba403dfb17619a6eff9e673c8e6575da.

Signed-off-by: Brian Evans <grknight <AT>>

 appendices/contributing/devbook/text.xml | 1213 ------------------------------
 appendices/contributing/text.xml         |   10 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1221 deletions(-)

diff --git a/appendices/contributing/devbook/text.xml 
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a5d57..0000000
--- a/appendices/contributing/devbook/text.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1213 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<guide self="appendices/contributing/devbook/">
-<title>Gentoo GuideXML Guide</title>
-<author title="Author">
-  <mail link="neysx"/>
-<author title="Author">
-  <mail link="">Daniel Robbins</mail>
-<author title="Author"><!-- -->
-  John P. Davis
-<author title="Editor">
-  <mail link="">Jorge Paulo</mail>
-<author title="Editor">
-  <mail link="">Sven Vermeulen</mail>
-<author title="Editor">
-  <mail link="nightmorph"/>
-This guide shows you how to compose web documentation using the new lightweight
-Gentoo GuideXML syntax.  This syntax is the official format for Gentoo 
-documentation, and this document itself was created using GuideXML.  This guide
-assumes a basic working knowledge of XML and HTML.
-<!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license -->
-<!-- See -->
-<title>GuideXML basics</title>
-<title>GuideXML design goals</title>
-The guideXML syntax is lightweight yet expressive, so that it is easy to
-learn yet also provides all the features we need for the creation of web
-documentation.  The number of tags is kept to a minimum -- just those we need.
-This makes it easy to transform guide into other formats, such as DocBook
-XML/SGML or web-ready HTML.
-The goal is to make it easy to <e>create</e> and <e>transform</e> guideXML
-<title>Further Resources</title>
-You may want to look at the <uri link="text.xml">XML source</uri> of this
-document while you read it.
-<title>Basic structure</title>
-Let's start learning the GuideXML syntax.  We'll start with the the initial 
-tags used in a GuideXML document:
-<pre caption="The initial part of a guide XML document">
-&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd"&gt;
-&lt;!-- &#36;Header&#36; --&gt;
-&lt;guide lang="<i>en</i>"&gt;
-&lt;title&gt;<i>Gentoo Documentation Guide</i>&lt;/title&gt;
-&lt;author title="<i>Author</i>"&gt;
-  &lt;mail link="<i></i>"&gt;<i>Your Name</i>&lt;/mail&gt;
-<i>This guide shows you how to compose web documentation using
-our new lightweight Gentoo GuideXML syntax.  This syntax is the official
-format for Gentoo web documentation, and this document itself was created
-using GuideXML.</i>
-&lt;!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license 
-&lt;!-- See --&gt;
-&lt;license version="3.0"/&gt;
-On the first lines, we see the requisite tag that identifies this as an XML
-document and specifies its DTD. The <c>&lt;!-- &#36;Header&#36; --&gt;</c> line
-will be automatically modified by the CVS server and helps to track revisions.
-Next, there's a <c>&lt;guide&gt;</c> tag -- the entire guide document is
-enclosed within a <c>&lt;guide&gt; &lt;/guide&gt;</c> pair.
-The <c>lang</c> attribute should be used to specify the language code of your
-document. It is used to format the date and insert strings like "<e>Note</e>",
-"<e>Content</e>", etc. in the specified language. The default is English.
-Next, there's a <c>&lt;title&gt;</c> tag, used to set the title for the entire
-guide document.
-Then, we come to the <c>&lt;author&gt;</c> tags, which contain information
-about the various authors of the document.  Each <c>&lt;author&gt;</c> tag
-allows for an optional <c>title</c> element, used to specify the author's
-relationship to the document (author, co-author, editor, etc.).  In this
-particular example, the authors' names are enclosed in another tag -- a
-<c>&lt;mail&gt;</c> tag, used to specify an email address for this particular
-person. The <c>&lt;mail&gt;</c> tag is optional and can be omitted, and at
-least one <c>&lt;author&gt;</c> element is required per guide document.
-Next, we come to the <c>&lt;abstract&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;version&gt;</c> and
-<c>&lt;date&gt;</c> tags, used to specify a summary of the document, the
-current version number, and the current version date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
-respectively. Dates that are invalid or not in the YYYY-MM-DD format will
-appear verbatim in the rendered document.
-This sums up the tags that should appear at the beginning of a guide document.
-Besides the <c>&lt;title&gt;</c> and <c>&lt;mail&gt;</c> tags, these tags
-shouldn't appear anywhere else except immediately inside the
-<c>&lt;guide&gt;</c> tag, and for consistency it's recommended (but not
-required) that these tags appear before the content of the document.  
-Finally we have the <c>&lt;license version="3.0"/&gt;</c> tag, used to publish
-the document under the <uri 
-Commons - Attribution / Share Alike</uri> license as required by the <uri
-link="/proj/en/gdp/doc/doc-policy.xml">Documentation Policy</uri>. 
-the tag <c>&lt;license /&gt;</c> was used, which denoted the 2.5 version of the
-license. This is still accepted/allowed.
-<title>Chapters and sections</title>
-Once the initial tags have been specified, you're ready to start adding the
-structural elements of the document.  Guide documents are divided into
-chapters, and each chapter can hold one or more sections.  Every chapter and
-section has a title.  Here's an example chapter with a single section,
-consisting of a paragraph.  If you append this XML to the XML in the <uri
-link="#doc_chap2_pre1">previous excerpt</uri> and append a
-<c>&lt;/guide&gt;</c> to the end of the file, you'll have a valid (if minimal)
-guide document:
-<pre caption="Minimal guide example">
-&lt;title&gt;<i>This is my chapter</i>&lt;/title&gt;
-&lt;title&gt;<i>This is section one of my chapter</i>&lt;/title&gt;
-<i>This is the actual text content of my section.</i>
-Above, I set the chapter title by adding a child <c>&lt;title&gt;</c>
-element to the <c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c> element.  Then, I created a section by
-adding a <c>&lt;section&gt;</c> element.  If you look inside the
-<c>&lt;section&gt;</c> element, you'll see that it has two child elements -- a
-<c>&lt;title&gt;</c> and a <c>&lt;body&gt;</c>.  While the <c>&lt;title&gt;</c>
-is nothing new, the <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> is -- it contains the actual text
-content of this particular section.  We'll look at the tags that are allowed
-inside a <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> element in a bit. 
-A <c>&lt;guide&gt;</c> element must contain at least one <c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c>
-elements, a <c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c> must contain at least one
-<c>&lt;section&gt;</c> elements and a <c>&lt;section&gt;</c> element must
-contain at least one <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> element.  
-<title>An example &lt;body&gt;</title>
-Now, it's time to learn how to mark up actual content.  Here's the XML code for
-an example <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> element:
-<pre caption="Example of a body element">
-This is a paragraph.  &lt;path&gt;/etc/passwd&lt;/path&gt; is a file.
-&lt;uri&gt;;/uri&gt; is my favorite website.
-Type &lt;c&gt;ls&lt;/c&gt; if you feel like it.  I &lt;e&gt;really&lt;/e&gt; 
want to go to sleep now.
-&lt;pre caption="Code Sample"&gt;
-This is text output or code.
-# &lt;i&gt;this is user input&lt;/i&gt;
-Make HTML/XML easier to read by using selective emphasis:
-&lt;comment&gt;(This is how to insert a comment into a code 
-This is a note.
-This is a warning.
-This is important.
-Now, here's how the <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> element above is rendered:
-This is a paragraph.  <path>/etc/passwd</path> is a file.
-<uri></uri> is my favorite web site.
-Type <c>ls</c> if you feel like it.  I <e>really</e> want to go to sleep now.
-<pre caption="Code Sample">
-This is text output or code.
-# <i>this is user input</i>
-Make HTML/XML easier to read by using selective emphasis:
-<comment>(This is how to insert a comment into a code block)</comment>
-This is a note.
-This is a warning.
-This is important.
-<title>The &lt;body&gt; tags</title>
-We introduced a lot of new tags in the previous section -- here's what you need
-to know. The <c>&lt;p&gt;</c> (paragraph), <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> (code block),
-<c>&lt;note&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;warn&gt;</c> (warning) and <c>&lt;impo&gt;</c>
-(important) tags all can contain one or more lines of text. Besides the
-<c>&lt;table&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ul&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ol&gt;</c> and
-<c>&lt;dl&gt;</c> elements (which we'll cover in just a bit), these are the
-only tags that should appear immediately inside a <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> element.
-Another thing -- these tags <e>should not</e> be stacked -- in other words,
-don't put a <c>&lt;note&gt;</c> element inside a <c>&lt;p&gt;</c> element. As
-you might guess, the <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> element preserves its whitespace
-exactly, making it well-suited for code excerpts.  You must name the
-<c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> tag with a <c>caption</c> attribute:
-<pre caption="Named &lt;pre&gt;">
-&lt;pre caption="Output of uptime"&gt;
-# &lt;i&gt;uptime&lt;/i&gt;
-16:50:47 up 164 days,  2:06,  5 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.20, 0.25
-<p by="Anonymous student">
-Delegates from the original 13 states formed the Contented Congress. Thomas
-Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the Declaration
-of Independence. Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two cats backwards
-and declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." Franklin died in
-1790 and is still dead.
-Epigraphs are sometimes used at the beginning of chapters to illustrate what is
-to follow. It is simply a paragraph with a <c>by</c> attribute that contains
-the signature.
-<pre caption="Short epigraph">
-&lt;p by="Anonymous student"&gt;
-Delegates from the original 13 states formed the...
-  &lt;path&gt;, &lt;c&gt;, &lt;b&gt;, &lt;e&gt;, &lt;sub&gt; and &lt;sup&gt;
-The <c>&lt;path&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;c&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;b&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;e&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;sub&gt;</c> and <c>&lt;sup&gt;</c> elements can be used inside any child
-<c>&lt;body&gt;</c> tag, except for <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c>.
-The <c>&lt;path&gt;</c> element is used to mark text that refers to an
-<e>on-disk file</e> -- either an <e>absolute or relative path</e>, or a 
-<e>simple filename</e>. This element is generally rendered with a mono spaced 
-font to offset it from the standard paragraph type.  
-The <c>&lt;c&gt;</c> element is used to mark up a <e>command</e> or <e>user
-input</e>.  Think of <c>&lt;c&gt;</c> as a way to alert the reader to something
-that they can type in that will perform some kind of action.  For example, all
-the XML tags displayed in this document are enclosed in a <c>&lt;c&gt;</c>
-element because they represent something that the user could type in that is
-not a path.  By using <c>&lt;c&gt;</c> elements, you'll help your readers
-quickly identify commands that they need to type in.  Also, because
-<c>&lt;c&gt;</c> elements are already offset from regular text, <e>it is rarely
-necessary to surround user input with double-quotes</e>. For example, don't
-refer to a "<c>&lt;c&gt;</c>" element like I did in this sentence.  Avoiding
-the use of unnecessary double-quotes makes a document more readable -- and 
-As you might have guessed, <c>&lt;b&gt;</c> is used to <b>boldface</b> some
-<c>&lt;e&gt;</c> is used to apply emphasis to a word or phrase; for example:
-I <e>really</e> should use semicolons more often.  As you can see, this text is
-offset from the regular paragraph type for emphasis.  This helps to give your
-prose more <e>punch</e>!
-The <c>&lt;sub&gt;</c> and <c>&lt;sup&gt;</c> elements are used to specify
-<sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>.
-<title>Code samples and colour-coding</title>
-To improve the readability of code samples, the following tags are allowed
-inside <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> blocks:
-  <dt><c>&lt;i&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Distinguishes user input from displayed text</dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;comment&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Comments relevant to the action(s) that appear after the comment</dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;keyword&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Denotes a keyword in the language used in the code sample
-  </dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;ident&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Used for an identifier
-  </dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;const&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Used for a constant
-  </dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;stmt&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Used for a statement
-  </dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;var&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Used for a variable
-  </dd>
-Remember that all leading and trailing spaces, and line breaks in
-<c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> blocks will appear in the displayed html page.
-Sample colour-coded <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> block:
-<pre caption="My first ebuild">
-<comment># Copyright 1999-2009 <b>Gentoo Foundation</b>
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# &#36;Header: $</comment>
-<ident>DESCRIPTION</ident>=<const>"Exuberant ctags generates tags files for 
quick source navigation"</const>
-<ident>KEYWORDS</ident>=<const>"~mips ~sparc ~x86"</const>
-<stmt>src_compile()</stmt> {
-    <keyword>econf</keyword> --with-posix-regex
-    <keyword>emake</keyword> || <keyword>die</keyword> <const>"emake 
-<stmt>src_install()</stmt> {
-    <keyword>make</keyword> <ident>DESTDIR</ident>="<var>${D}</var>" install 
|| <keyword>die</keyword> <const>"install failed"</const>
-    <keyword>dodoc</keyword> FAQ NEWS README
-    <keyword>dohtml</keyword> EXTENDING.html ctags.html
-<title>&lt;mail&gt; and &lt;uri&gt;</title>
-We've taken a look at the <c>&lt;mail&gt;</c> tag earlier; it's used to link
-some text with a particular email address, and takes the form <c>&lt;mail
-link=""&gt;Mr. Foo Bar&lt;/mail&gt;</c>. If you want to 
display the
-email address, you can use 
<c>&lt;mail&gt;;/mail&gt;</c>, this
-would be displayed as <mail></mail>.
-Shorter forms make it easier to use names and emails of Gentoo developers. Both
-<c>&lt;mail&gt;neysx&lt;/mail&gt;</c> and <c>&lt;mail link="neysx"/&gt;</c>
-would appear as <mail>neysx</mail>. If you want to use a Gentoo dev's email
-with a different content than his full name, use the second form with some
-content. For instance, use a dev's first name: <c>&lt;mail
-link="neysx"&gt;Xavier&lt;/mail&gt;</c> appears as <mail
-This is particularly useful when you want to name a developer whose name
-contains "funny" characters that you can't type.
-The <c>&lt;uri&gt;</c> tag is used to point to files/locations on the Internet.
-It has two forms -- the first can be used when you want to have the actual URI
-displayed in the body text, such as this link to
-<uri></uri>.  To create this link, I typed
-<c>&lt;uri&gt;;/uri&gt;</c>.  The alternate form 
-when you want to associate a URI with some other text -- for example, <uri
-link="";>the Gentoo Forums</uri>.  To create
-<e>this</e> link, I typed <c>&lt;uri link=""&gt;the
-Gentoo Forums&lt;/uri&gt;</c>. You don't need to write
-<c></c> to link to other parts of the Gentoo web site.
-For instance, a link to the <uri link="/get-started/about/">about page</uri>
-should be simply <c>&lt;uri link="/get-started/about/"&gt;documentation main
-index&lt;/uri&gt;</c>. Leaving the trailing slash saves an extra HTTP request.
-You should not use a <c>&lt;uri&gt;</c> tag with a <c>link</c> attribute that
-starts with <c>mailto:</c>. In this case, use a <c>&lt;mail&gt;</c> tag.
-Please avoid the <uri link="";>click 
-syndrome</uri> as recommended by the <uri
-Here's how to insert a figure into a document -- <c>&lt;figure
-link="mygfx.png" short="my picture" caption="my favorite picture of all
-time"/&gt;</c>.  The <c>link</c> attribute points to the actual graphic image,
-the <c>short</c> attribute specifies a short description (currently used for
-the image's HTML <c>alt</c> attribute), and a caption.  Not too difficult
-:)  We also support the standard HTML-style &lt;img src="foo.gif"/&gt; tag
-for adding images without captions, borders, etc.
-GuideXML supports a simplified table syntax similar to that of HTML. To start a
-table, use a <c>&lt;table&gt;</c> tag. Start a row with a <c>&lt;tr&gt;</c>
-tag. However, for inserting actual table data, we <e>don't</e> support the HTML
-&lt;td&gt; tag; instead, use the <c>&lt;th&gt;</c> if you are inserting a
-header, and <c>&lt;ti&gt;</c> if you are inserting a normal informational
-block. You can use a <c>&lt;th&gt;</c> anywhere you can use a <c>&lt;ti&gt;</c>
--- there's no requirement that <c>&lt;th&gt;</c> elements appear only in the
-first row.
-Besides, both table headers (<c>&lt;th&gt;</c>) and table items
-(<c>&lt;ti&gt;</c>) accept the <c>colspan</c> and <c>rowspan</c> attributes to
-span their content across rows, columns or both.
-Furthermore, table cells (<c>&lt;ti&gt;</c> &amp; <c>&lt;th&gt;</c>) can be
-right-aligned, left-aligned or centered with the <c>align</c> attribute.
-  <tr>
-    <th align="center" colspan="4">This title spans 4 columns</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th rowspan="6">This title spans 6 rows</th>
-    <ti>Item A1</ti>
-    <ti>Item A2</ti>
-    <ti>Item A3</ti>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <ti align="center">Item B1</ti>
-    <th colspan="2" rowspan="2" align="right">Blocky 2x2 title</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <ti align="right">Item C1</ti>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <ti colspan="3" align="center">Item D1..D3</ti>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <ti rowspan="2">Item E1..F1</ti>
-    <ti colspan="2" align="right">Item E2..E3</ti>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <ti colspan="2" align="right">Item F2..F3</ti>
-  </tr>
-To create ordered or unordered lists, simply use the XHTML-style
-<c>&lt;ol&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ul&gt;</c> and <c>&lt;li&gt;</c> tags. Lists may only
-appear inside the <c>&lt;body&gt;</c> and <c>&lt;li&gt;</c> tags which means
-that you can have lists inside lists. Don't forget that you are writing XML and
-that you must close all tags including list items unlike in HTML.
-Definition lists (<c>&lt;dl&gt;</c>) are also supported. Please note that
-neither the definition term tag (<c>&lt;dt&gt;</c>) nor the definition data tag
-(<c>&lt;dd&gt;</c>) accept any other block level tag such as paragraphs or
-admonitions. A definition list comprises:
-  <dt><c>&lt;dl&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>A <b>D</b>efinition <b>L</b>ist Tag containing</dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;dt&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>Pairs of <b>D</b>efinition <b>T</b>erm Tags</dd>
-  <dt><c>&lt;dd&gt;</c></dt>
-  <dd>and <b>D</b>efinition <b>D</b>ata Tags</dd>
-The following list copied from <uri
-link="";></uri> shows
-that a definition list can contain ordered and unordered lists. It may not
-contain another definition list though.
-  <dt><b>The ingredients:</b></dt>
-  <dd>
-    <ul>
-      <li>100 g. flour</li>
-      <li>10 g. sugar</li>
-      <li>1 cup water</li>
-      <li>2 eggs</li>
-      <li>salt, pepper</li>
-    </ul>
-  </dd>
-  <dt><b>The procedure:</b></dt>
-  <dd>
-    <ol>
-      <li>Mix dry ingredients thoroughly</li>
-      <li>Pour in wet ingredients</li>
-      <li>Mix for 10 minutes</li>
-      <li>Bake for one hour at 300 degrees</li>
-    </ol>
-  </dd>
-  <dt><b>Notes:</b></dt>
-  <dd>The recipe may be improved by adding raisins</dd>
-<title>Intra-document references</title>
-GuideXML makes it really easy to reference other parts of the document using
-hyperlinks.  You can create a link pointing to <uri link="#doc_chap1">Chapter
-One</uri> by typing <c>&lt;uri link="#doc_chap1"&gt;Chapter
-One&lt;/uri&gt;</c>.  To point to <uri link="#doc_chap1_sect2">section two of
-Chapter One</uri>, type <c>&lt;uri link="#doc_chap1_sect2"&gt;section two of
-Chapter One&lt;/uri&gt;</c>.  To refer to figure 3 in chapter 1, type
-<c>&lt;uri link="#doc_chap1_fig3"&gt;figure 1.3&lt;/uri&gt;</c>.  Or, to refer
-to <uri link="#doc_chap2_pre2">code listing 2 in chapter 2</uri>, type
-<c>&lt;uri link="#doc_chap2_pre2"&gt;code listing 2.2&lt;/uri&gt;</c>.
-However, some guides change often and using such "counting" can lead to broken
-links. In order to cope with this, you can define a name for a
-<c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;section&gt;</c> or a <c>&lt;tr&gt;</c> by using
-the <c>id</c> attribute, and then point to that attribute, like this:
-<pre caption="Using the id attribute">
-&lt;chapter id="foo"&gt;
-&lt;title&gt;This is foo!&lt;/title&gt;
-More information can be found in the &lt;uri link="#foo"&gt;foo 
-<title>Disclaimers and obsolete documents</title>
-A <c>disclaimer</c> attribute can be applied to guides and handbooks to display
-a predefined disclaimer at the top of the document. The available disclaimers
-  <li>
-    <b>articles</b> is used for <uri link="/doc/en/articles/">republished
-    articles</uri>
-  </li>
-  <li>
-    <b>draft</b> is used to indicate a document is still being worked on and
-    should not be considered official
-  </li>
-  <li>
-    <b>oldbook</b> is used on old handbooks to indicate they are not maintained
-    anymore
-  </li>
-  <li><b>obsolete</b> is used to mark a document as obsolete.</li>
-When marking a document as obsolete, you might want to add a link to a new
-version. The <c>redirect</c> attribute does just that. The user might be
-automatically redirected to the new page but you should not rely on that
-<pre caption="Disclaimer sample">
-&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd"&gt;
-&lt;!-- &#36;Header&#36; --&gt;
-&lt;guide disclaimer="obsolete" 
-&lt;title>Gentoo x86 Installation Guide&lt;/title&gt;
-&lt;author title="Author"&gt;
-FAQ documents need to start with a list of questions with links to their
-answers. Creating such a list is both time-consuming and error-prone. The list
-can be created automatically if you use a <c>faqindex</c> element as the first
-chapter of your document. This element has the same structure as a
-<c>chapter</c> to allow some introductory text. The structure of the document
-is expected to be split into chapters (at least one chapter) containing
-sections, each section containing one question specified in its <c>title</c>
-element with the answer in its <c>body</c>. The FAQ index will appear as one
-section per chapter and one link per question.
-A quick look at a <uri link="/doc/en/faq.xml">FAQ</uri> and <uri
-link="/doc/en/faq.xml?passthru=1">its source</uri> should make the above
-<title>Handbook Format</title>
-<title>Guide vs Book</title>
-For high-volume documentation, a 
-broader format was needed. We designed a GuideXML-compatible enhancement that
-allows us to write modular and multi-page documentation.
-<title>Main File</title>
-The first change is the need for a "master" document. This document contains no
-real content, but links to the individual documentation modules. The syntax
-doesn't differ much from GuideXML:
-<pre caption="Example book usage">
-&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "/dtd/book.dtd"&gt;
-&lt;!-- &#36;Header&#36; --&gt;
-&lt;title&gt;Example Book Usage&lt;/title&gt;
-  ...
-  ...
-&lt;!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license 
-&lt;!-- See --&gt;
-&lt;license version="3.0"/&gt;
-So far no real differences (except for the <c>&lt;book&gt;</c> instead of
-<c>&lt;guide&gt;</c> tag). Instead of starting with the individual
-<c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c>s, you define a <c>&lt;part&gt;</c>, which is the
-equivalent of a separate part in a book:
-<pre caption="Defining a part">
-&lt;title&gt;Part One&lt;/title&gt;
-  ...
-<comment>(Defining the several chapters)</comment>
-Each part is accompanied by a <c>&lt;title&gt;</c> and an 
-<c>&lt;abstract&gt;</c> which gives a small introduction to the part.
-Inside each part, you define the individual <c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c>s. Each
-chapter <e>must</e> be a separate document. As a result it is no surprise that
-a special tag (<c>&lt;include&gt;</c>) is added to allow including the separate
-<pre caption="Defining a chapter">
-&lt;title&gt;Chapter One&lt;/title&gt;
-  &lt;include href="path/to/chapter-one.xml"/&gt;
-<title>Designing the Individual Chapters</title>
-The content of an individual chapter is structured as follows:
-<pre caption="Chapter Syntax">
-&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE sections SYSTEM "/dtd/book.dtd"&gt;
-&lt;!-- &#36;Header&#36; --&gt;
-&lt;!--  The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license 
-&lt;!--  See --&gt;
-  This is a small explanation on chapter one.
-<comment>(Define the several &lt;section&gt; and &lt;subsection&gt;)</comment>
-Inside each chapter you can define <c>&lt;section&gt;</c>s (equivalent of
-<c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c> in a Guide) and <c>&lt;subsection&gt;</c>s (equivalent
-of <c>&lt;section&gt;</c> in a Guide).
-Each individual chapter should have its own date and version elements. The
-latest date of all chapters and master document will be displayed when a user
-browses through all parts of the book.
-<title>Advanced Handbook Features</title>
-<title>Global Values</title>
-Sometimes, the same values are repeated many times in several parts of a
-handbook. Global search and replace operations tend to forget some or introduce
-unwanted changes. Besides, it can be useful to define different values to be
-used in shared chapters depending on which handbook includes the chapter.
-Global values can be defined in a handbook master file and used in all included
-To define global values, add a <c>&lt;values&gt;</c> element to the handbook
-master file. Each value is then defined in a <c>&lt;key&gt;</c> element whose
-<c>id</c> attribute identifies the value, i.e. it is the name of your variable.
-The content of the <c>&lt;key&gt;</c> is its value.
-The following example defines three values in a handbook master file:
-<pre caption="Define values in a handbook">
-&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "/dtd/book.dtd"&gt;
-&lt;!-- &#36;Header&#36; --&gt;
-&lt;title&gt;Example Book Usage&lt;/title&gt;
- &lt;key id="arch"&gt;x86&lt;/key&gt;
- &lt;key id="min-cd-name"&gt;install-x86-minimal-2007.0-r1.iso&lt;/key&gt;
- &lt;key id="min-cd-size"&gt;57&lt;/key&gt;
-  ...
-The defined values can then be used throughout the handbook with the in-line
-<c>&lt;keyval id="key_id"/&gt;</c> element. Specify the name of the key in its
-<c>id</c> attribute, e.g. &lt;keyval id="min-cd-name"/&gt; would be replaced by
-"install-x86-minimal-2007.0-r1.iso" in our example.
-<pre caption="Using defined values">
-The Minimal Installation CD is called &lt;c&gt;<i>&lt;keyval 
-and takes up only <i>&lt;keyval id="min-cd-size"/&gt;</i> MB of diskspace. You 
can use this
-Installation CD to install Gentoo, but &lt;e&gt;only&lt;/e&gt; with a working 
-To make life easier on our translators, only use actual values, i.e. content
-that does not need to be translated. For instance, we defined the
-<c>min-cd-size</c> value to <c>57</c> and not <c>57 MB</c>.
-<title>Conditional Elements</title>
-Chapters that are shared by several handbooks such as our <uri
-link="/doc/en/handbook/">Installation Handbooks</uri> often have small
-differences depending on which handbook includes them. Instead of adding
-content that is irrelevant to some handbooks, authors can add a condition to
-the following elements: <c>&lt;section&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;subsection&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;body&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;note&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;impo&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;warn&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;p&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;table&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;tr&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ul&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ol&gt;</c>
-and <c>&lt;li&gt;</c>.
-The condition must be an <uri
-link="";>XPATH</uri> expression that will be
-evaluated when transforming the XML. If it evaluates to <c>true</c>, the
-element is processed, if not, it is ignored. The condition is specified in a
-<c>test</c> attribute.
-The following example uses the <c>arch</c> value that is defined in each
-handbook master file to condition some content:
-<pre caption="Using conditional elements">
-&lt;body test="contains('AMD64 x86',func:keyval('arch'))"&gt;
-This paragraph applies to both x86 and AMD64 architectures.
-&lt;p test="func:keyval('arch')='x86'"&gt;
-This paragraph only applies to the x86 architecture.
-&lt;p test="func:keyval('arch')='AMD64'"&gt;
-This paragraph only applies to the AMD64 architecture.
-&lt;p test="func:keyval('arch')='PPC'"&gt;
-This paragraph will never be seen!
-The whole body is skipped because of the first condition.
-&lt;body test="contains('AMD64 PPC64',func:keyval('arch'))"&gt;
-This paragraph applies to the AMD64, PPC64 <comment>and PPC</comment> 
architectures because
-the 'AMD64 PPC64' string does contain 'PPC'.
-&lt;note test="func:keyval('arch')='AMD64' or func:keyval('arch')='PPC64'"&gt;
-This note only applies to the AMD64 and PPC64 architectures.
-<chapter id="codingstyle">
-<title>Coding Style</title>
-Since all Gentoo Documentation is a joint effort and several people will
-most likely change existing documentation, a coding style is needed.
-A coding style contains two sections. The first one is regarding
-internal coding - how the XML-tags are placed. The second one is
-regarding the content - how not to confuse the reader.
-Both sections are described next.
-<title>Internal Coding Style</title>
-<b>Newlines</b> must be placed immediately after <e>every</e>
-GuideXML-tag (both opening as closing), except for:
-<c>&lt;version&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;date&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;title&gt;</c>, 
-<c>&lt;th&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ti&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;li&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;i&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;e&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;uri&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;path&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;b&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;c&gt;</c>, 
-<c>&lt;comment&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;mail&gt;</c>.
-<b>Blank lines</b> must be placed immediately after <e>every</e>
-<c>&lt;body&gt;</c> (opening tag only) and before <e>every</e>
-<c>&lt;chapter&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;p&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;table&gt;</c>, 
-<c>&lt;author&gt;</c> (set), <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ul&gt;</c>, 
-<c>&lt;ol&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;warn&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;note&gt;</c> and 
-<c>&lt;impo&gt;</c> (opening tags only).
-<b>Word-wrapping</b> must be applied at 80 characters except inside
-<c>&lt;pre&gt;</c>. You may only deviate from this rule when there is no other
-choice (for instance when a URL exceeds the maximum amount of characters).  The
-editor must then wrap whenever the first whitespace occurs. You should try to
-keep the <e>rendered</e> content of <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> elements within 80
-columns to help console users.
-<b>Indentation</b> may not be used, except with the XML-constructs of which the
-parent XML-tags are <c>&lt;tr&gt;</c> (from <c>&lt;table&gt;</c>),
-<c>&lt;ul&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;ol&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;dl&gt;</c>, and
-<c>&lt;author&gt;</c>. If indentation is used, it <e>must</e> be two spaces for
-each indentation. That means <e>no tabs</e> and <e>not</e> more spaces.
-Besides, tabs are not allowed in GuideXML documents.
-In case word-wrapping happens in <c>&lt;ti&gt;</c>, <c>&lt;th&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;li&gt;</c> or <c>&lt;dd&gt;</c> constructs, indentation must be used for
-the content.
-An example for indentation is:
-<pre caption="Indentation Example">
-  &lt;th&gt;Foo&lt;/th&gt;
-  &lt;th&gt;Bar&lt;/th&gt;
-  &lt;ti&gt;This is an example for indentation&lt;/ti&gt;
-  &lt;ti&gt;
-    In case text cannot be shown within an 80-character wide line, you
-    must use indentation if the parent tag allows it
-  &lt;/ti&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;First option&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;Second option&lt;/li&gt;
-<b>Attributes</b> may not have spaces in between the attribute, the "=" mark,
-and the attribute value. As an example:
-<pre caption="Attributes">
-<comment>Wrong  :</comment>     &lt;pre caption = "Attributes"&gt;
-<comment>Correct:</comment>     &lt;pre caption="Attributes"&gt;
-<title>External Coding Style</title>
-Inside tables (<c>&lt;table&gt;</c>) and listings (<c>&lt;ul&gt;</c>,
-<c>&lt;ol&gt;</c>) and <c>&lt;dl&gt;</c>, periods (".") should not be used
-unless multiple sentences are used. In that case, every sentence should end
-with a period (or other reading marks).
-Every sentence, including those inside tables and listings, should start
-with a capital letter.
-<pre caption="Periods and capital letters">
-  &lt;li&gt;No period&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;With period. Multiple sentences, remember?&lt;/li&gt;
-Code Listings should <e>always</e> have a <c>caption</c>.
-Try to use <c>&lt;uri&gt;</c> with the <c>link</c> attribute as much as
-possible. In other words, the <uri link="";>Gentoo
-Forums</uri> is preferred over <uri></uri>.
-When you comment something inside a <c>&lt;pre&gt;</c> construct, use
-<c>&lt;comment&gt;</c> and parentheses or the comment marker for the language
-that is being used (<c>#</c> for bash scripts and many other things, <c>//</c>
-for C code, etc.) Also place the comment <e>before</e> the subject of the
-<pre caption="Comment example">
-<comment>(Substitute "john" with your user name)</comment>
-# <i>id john</i>
-<title>Start writing</title>
-GuideXML has been specially designed to be "lean and mean" so that developers
-can spend more time writing documentation and less time learning the actual XML
-syntax.  Hopefully, this will allow developers who aren't unusually "doc-savvy"
-to start writing quality Gentoo documentation.  You might be interested in our
-<uri link="/proj/en/gdp/doc/doc-tipsntricks.xml">Documentation Development Tips
-&amp; Tricks</uri>. If you'd like to help (or have any questions about
-GuideXML), please post a message to the <uri
-link="/main/en/lists.xml">gentoo-doc mailing list</uri> stating what you'd like
-to tackle. Have fun!

diff --git a/appendices/contributing/text.xml b/appendices/contributing/text.xml
index 7cf72a6..9ad2011 100644
--- a/appendices/contributing/text.xml
+++ b/appendices/contributing/text.xml
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ conversion used in some of the figures throughout the 
-DevBook XML is heavily based on <uri link="devbook/">
+DevBook XML is heavily based on <uri 
 GuideXML</uri> and many tags are similar, if not the same. The main differences
 occur in layout which are designed to make a large-scale publication easier
 to produce and manage using a hierarchical tree system. Before starting off you
@@ -140,15 +140,9 @@ really should first examine the GuideXML guide in a 
reasonable amount of depth.
-<include href="devbook/" />

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