commit:     d3281559023b42969aedac6224cbf6c88e5351ae
Author:     Daniel Pielmeier <billie <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Tue Jun  9 11:54:12 2020 +0000
Commit:     Daniel Pielmeier <billie <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Jun  9 11:54:12 2020 +0000

media-video/projectx: Remove old projectx-

Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.99, Repoman-2.3.22
Signed-off-by: Daniel Pielmeier <billie <AT>>

 media-video/projectx/files/build- |  77 -------------
 .../files/projectx-         |  15 ---
 .../files/projectx-    |  37 ------
 .../projectx-    |  11 --
 .../files/projectx-         |  44 -------
 media-video/projectx/projectx-  | 128 ---------------------
 6 files changed, 312 deletions(-)

diff --git a/media-video/projectx/files/build- 
deleted file mode 100644
index f35638733b1..00000000000
--- a/media-video/projectx/files/build-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="projectx" default="jar">
-       <!-- some properties -->
-       <property name="src.dir" value="src" />
-       <property name="build.dir" value="build" />
-       <property name="docs.dir" value="apidocs" />
-       <property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
-       <property name="lib.dir" value="lib" />
-       <property name="resources.dir" value="resources" />
-       <property name="project.jar" 
value="${dist.dir}/${}.jar" />
-       <property name="target.jdk" value="1.5" />
-       <!-- classpath -->
-       <path id="refcp">
-               <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
-                       <include name="**/*.jar" />
-               </fileset>
-       </path>
-       <!-- init -->
-       <target name="init">
-               <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
-               <mkdir dir="${docs.dir}" />
-               <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
-       </target>       
-       <!-- compile everything -->
-       <target name="compile" depends="init">
-               <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-                       destdir="${build.dir}"
-                       source="${target.jdk}"
-                       target="${target.jdk}"
-                       classpathref="refcp"
-                       encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>
-               <copy todir="${build.dir}">
-                       <fileset dir="${resources.dir}" />
-               </copy>
-       </target>
-       <!-- build the jar files -->
-       <target name="build" depends="compile">
-               <jar jarfile="${project.jar}" basedir="${build.dir}">
-                       <manifest>
-                               <attribute name="Main-Class" 
value="${manifest.mainclass}" />
-                       </manifest>
-               </jar>
-       </target>
-       <!-- generate javadocs -->
-       <target name="javadoc" depends="init">
-               <javadoc sourcepath="${src.dir}"
-                       packagenames="*"
-                       destdir="${docs.dir}"
-                       author="true"
-                       version="true"
-                       use="true"
-                       charset="UTF-8"
-                       encoding="ISO-8859-1"
-                       windowtitle="${} API" />
-       </target>
-       <!-- clean up -->
-       <target name="clean">
-               <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
-               <delete dir="${docs.dir}" />
-               <delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
-       </target>
-        <!-- zip the sources -->
-        <target name="sourcezip">
-               <zip destfile="${dist.dir}/${}">
-                        <zipfileset dir="${src.dir}" />
-                </zip>
-        </target>

diff --git a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx- 
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c5b48263ce..00000000000
--- a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/gui/     2006-11-25 
22:28:52.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/gui/     2007-06-10 
13:37:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -159,9 +159,10 @@
-               {
-                       try 
-                       {
--                              BrowserLauncher.openURL(u.toString());
-+                              BrowserLauncher launcher = new 
-+                              launcher.openURLinBrowser(u.toString());
-                       } 
--                      catch (IOException e) 
-+                      catch (Exception e) 
-                       {
Common.setMessage(Resource.getString("msg.browser.launcher.error") + " " + e);
-                       }

diff --git a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx- 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8421dd36ae9..00000000000
--- a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
---- src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/video/     2009-12-31 
15:24:13.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/video/     2010-07-31 
14:32:19.945223425 +0200
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
- public class MpvDecoder extends Object {
--      private IDCTRefNative idct;
-+      private IDCTFast idct;
-       private IDCTSseNative idctsse;
-       private int preview_horizontal_size = 512;
-@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@
-       {
-               Arrays.fill(pixels2, 0xFF505050);
--              idct = new IDCTRefNative();
-+              idct = new IDCTFast();
-               idctsse = new IDCTSseNative();
--              if (IDCTRefNative.isLibraryLoaded())
-+              if (IDCTFast.isLibraryLoaded())
-                       idct.init();
--              if (IDCTRefNative.isLibraryLoaded() || 
-+              if (IDCTFast.isLibraryLoaded() || 
-                       acceleration = true;
-       }
-@@ -2399,7 +2399,7 @@
-                       }
-               }
--              else if (IDCTRefNative.isLibraryLoaded() && isAccelerated())
-+              else if (IDCTFast.isLibraryLoaded() && isAccelerated())
-               {
-                       /* copy or add block data into picture */
-                       for (comp=0; comp<block_count; comp++)

diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f7d71c04c..00000000000
--- a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/common/  2008-12-04 
01:47:03.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/common/  2008-12-04 
02:21:11.342918380 +0100
-@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
-                       impl.updateProgressBar(percent);
-               else
--                      System.out.print("\r" + percent + " %");
-+                      System.out.print(percent + " %");
-       }
-       /**

diff --git a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx- 
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb675af4eb..00000000000
--- a/media-video/projectx/files/projectx-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
---- src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/common/      2008-02-18 
19:34:48.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/common/      2010-07-31 
19:44:59.151224244 +0200
-@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.TreeMap;
-+import xdg.*;
- import net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputDirectory;
- /**
-@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@
- public class Settings extends Object {
-       /** the default ini filename */
--      private static final String DEFAULT_INI = "X.ini";
-+      private static final String DEFAULT_INI = "Project-X.ini";
-       /** the current ini filename */
-       private String inifile = "";
-@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@
-        */
-       public Settings()
-       {
--              this(Resource.workdir + Resource.filesep + DEFAULT_INI);
-+              this(xdg.config_home() + Resource.filesep + DEFAULT_INI);
-       }
-       /**
-@@ -161,6 +163,7 @@
-                       str = inifile;
-               try {
-+                      xdg.mkdirs_file(str);
-                       PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(str));
-                       String base_key = "# Project-X INI";
-@@ -714,4 +717,4 @@
-               return inifile;
-       }
-\ Kein Zeilenumbruch am Dateiende.

diff --git a/media-video/projectx/projectx- 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8c94a37d7..00000000000
--- a/media-video/projectx/projectx-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
-DESCRIPTION="Converts, splits and demuxes DVB and other MPEG recordings"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc64 x86"
-IUSE="X cpu_flags_x86_mmx cpu_flags_x86_sse"
-       X? ( dev-java/browserlauncher2:1.0 )"
-       ${COMMON_DEP}"
-       app-arch/xz-utils
-       virtual/libiconv
-       ${COMMON_DEP}"
-mainclass() {
-       # read Main-Class from MANIFEST.MF
-       sed -n "s/^Main-Class: \([^ ]\+\).*/\1/p" "${S}/MANIFEST.MF" || die
-src_prepare() {
-       default
-       local X
-       # apply stdout corruption patch (
-       epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-       # apply BrowserLauncher2 patch
-       use X && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-       rm -rf src/edu || die
-       # apply IDCTFast patch
-       epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-       # apply XDG patch
-       cp -f "${WORKDIR}/${XDG_P}.java" "${S}/src/" || die
-       epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-"
-       # copy build.xml
-       cp -f "${FILESDIR}/build-" build.xml || die
-       # patch executable and icon
-       sed -i -e "s:^\(Exec=\).*:\1${PN}_gui:g" \
-               -e "s:^\(Icon=\).*:\1${PN}:g" *.desktop || die
-       # convert CRLF to LF
-       edos2unix *.txt MANIFEST.MF
-       # convert docs to utf-8
-       if [ -x "$(type -p iconv)" ]; then
-               for X in zutun.txt; do
-                       iconv -f LATIN1 -t UTF8 -o "${X}~" "${X}" && mv -f 
"${X}~" "${X}" || die
-               done
-       fi
-       # merge/remove resources depending on USE="X"
-       if use X; then
-               mv -f htmls resources/ || die
-       else
-               rm -rf src/net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/gui || die
-               rm resources/*.gif || die
-       fi
-       # update library packages
-       cd lib || die
-       rm -f {commons-net,jakarta-oro}*.jar || die
-       java-pkg_jar-from commons-net
-       use X && java-pkg_jar-from browserlauncher2-1.0
-       java-pkg_ensure-no-bundled-jars
-src_compile() {
-       local IDCT="idct-mjpeg"  # default IDCT implementation
-       if use x86 || use amd64; then
-               use cpu_flags_x86_mmx && IDCT="idct-mjpeg-mmx"
-               use cpu_flags_x86_sse && IDCT="idct-mjpeg-sse"
-       fi
-       eant build $(use_doc) -Dmanifest.mainclass=$(mainclass)
-       cd lib/PORTABLE || die
-       emake CC=$(tc-getCC) IDCT="${IDCT}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
-               CPLAT="${CFLAGS} -O3 -ffast-math -fPIC"
-src_install() {
-       java-pkg_dojar dist/${PN}.jar
-       java-pkg_doso lib/PORTABLE/
-       java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN}_cli --main $(mainclass) \
-               --java_args "-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx256m"
-       if use X; then
-               java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN}_gui --main $(mainclass) \
-                       --java_args "-Xmx256m"
-               dosym ${PN}_gui /usr/bin/${PN}
-               newicon "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-icon.png" "${PN}.png"
-               domenu *.desktop
-       else
-               dosym ${PN}_cli /usr/bin/${PN}
-       fi
-       dodoc *.txt
-       use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc apidocs
-       use source && java-pkg_dosrc src

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