commit:     4044bf66ede0740864c73d26fde649675d6ce064
Author:     Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Sun Nov  3 00:07:39 2024 +0000
Commit:     Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sun Nov  3 00:08:38 2024 +0000

dev-embedded/sdcc: drop 3.8.0-r1, 4.0.0, 4.1.0, 4.2.0

Signed-off-by: Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge <AT>>

 dev-embedded/sdcc/Manifest                         |   8 --
 .../sdcc/files/sdcc-3.8.0-override-override.patch  |  30 ----
 dev-embedded/sdcc/metadata.xml                     |   3 -
 dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-3.8.0-r1.ebuild             | 131 -----------------
 dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.0.0.ebuild                | 150 -------------------
 dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.1.0.ebuild                | 157 --------------------
 dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.2.0.ebuild                | 158 ---------------------
 7 files changed, 637 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/Manifest b/dev-embedded/sdcc/Manifest
index 67c7abbe0abc..8f200014c25c 100644
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/Manifest
+++ b/dev-embedded/sdcc/Manifest
@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
-DIST sdcc-doc-3.8.0.tar.bz2 965465 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-doc-4.0.0.tar.bz2 980999 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-doc-4.1.0.tar.bz2 991207 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-doc-4.2.0.tar.bz2 1244684 BLAKE2B 
 DIST sdcc-doc-4.3.0.tar.bz2 1271916 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-src-3.8.0.tar.bz2 18987862 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-src-4.0.0.tar.bz2 19204540 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-src-4.1.0.tar.bz2 19400609 BLAKE2B 
-DIST sdcc-src-4.2.0.tar.bz2 19662367 BLAKE2B 
 DIST sdcc-src-4.3.0.tar.bz2 19931677 BLAKE2B 

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/files/sdcc-3.8.0-override-override.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index f6bb4b8b972b..000000000000
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/files/sdcc-3.8.0-override-override.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
---- a/support/sdbinutils/config/override.m4
-+++ b/support/sdbinutils/config/override.m4
-@@ -27,27 +27,6 @@
- m4_copy_force([_AC_PREREQ], [AC_PREREQ])
--dnl Ensure exactly this Autoconf version is used
--  [m4_define([_GCC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [2.64])])
--dnl Test for the exact version when AC_INIT is expanded.
--dnl This allows to update the tree in steps (for testing)
--dnl by putting
--dnl   m4_define([_GCC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [X.Y])
--dnl in before AC_INIT,
--dnl without rewriting this file.
--dnl Or for updating the whole tree at once with the definition above.
--  m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]), [],
--  [m4_fatal([Please use exactly Autoconf ]_GCC_AUTOCONF_VERSION[ instead of 
--m4_define([AC_INIT], m4_defn([AC_INIT])[
- dnl Ensure we do not use a buggy M4.
- m4_if(m4_index([..wi.d.], [.d.]), [-1],
-   [m4_fatal(m4_do([m4 with buggy strstr detected.  Please install

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/metadata.xml b/dev-embedded/sdcc/metadata.xml
index c4bc3f3380ae..822e493b6360 100644
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/metadata.xml
+++ b/dev-embedded/sdcc/metadata.xml
@@ -23,20 +23,17 @@ be retargeted for other microprocessors.
                <flag name="device-lib">Enable built of devices libraries</flag>
                <flag name="non-free">Enable non-free runtime library 
                <flag name="packihx">Enable Intel HEX files pack utility</flag>
-               <flag name="sdbinutils">Enable SDCC library archive utilities 
sdar, sdranlib, sdnm</flag>
                <flag name="sdcdb">Enable SDCC source level debugger</flag>
                <flag name="sdcpp">Enable SDCC preprocessor based on GCC 
                <flag name="ucsim">Enable software simulator for 
                <!-- ports in order defined by -->
-               <flag name="avr">Add support for AVR -- not supported 
                <flag name="mcs51">Add support for Intel mcs51</flag>
                <flag name="z80">Add support for Zilog Z80</flag>
                <flag name="z180">Add support for Zilog Z180</flag>
                <flag name="r2k">Add support for Rabbit 2000</flag>
                <flag name="r2ka">Add support for Rabbit 2000A</flag>
                <flag name="r3ka">Add support for Rabbit 3000A</flag>
-               <flag name="gbz80">Add support for Gameboy gbz80</flag>
                <flag name="sm83">Add support for Gameboy SM83</flag>
                <flag name="tlcs90">Add support for TLCS-90</flag>
                <flag name="ez80-z80">Add support for EZ80-Z80</flag>

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-3.8.0-r1.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index fa91314a3c0d..000000000000
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-3.8.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
-       ESVN_REPO_URI="";
-       inherit subversion
-       SRC_URI="
-     ${PN}-src-${PV}.tar.bz2
-               doc? (${PN}-doc-${PV}.tar.bz2 )
-       "
-       KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Small device C compiler (for various microprocessors)"
-       GPL-2 ZLIB
-       non-free? ( MicroChip-SDCC )
-       packihx? ( public-domain )
-       avr ds390 ds400 gbz80 hc08 mcs51 pic14 pic16 r2k r3ka s08 stm8 tlcs90 
-       z80
-       ${SDCC_PORTS}
-       +boehm-gc device-lib doc non-free packihx +sdbinutils sdcdb +sdcpp ucsim
-for port in ${SDCC_PORTS}; do
-       ${port}? ( sdbinutils )
-       || ( ${SDCC_PORTS} )
-       dev-libs/boost:=
-       sys-libs/ncurses:=
-       sys-libs/readline:0=
-       >=dev-embedded/gputils-0.13.7
-       boehm-gc? ( dev-libs/boehm-gc:= )
-       !dev-embedded/sdcc-svn
-       ${RDEPEND}
-       dev-util/gperf
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.8.0-override-override.patch
-src_prepare() {
-       # Fix conflicting variable names between Gentoo and sdcc
-       find \
-               '(' -name 'Makefile*.in' -o -name 'configure' ')' \
-               -exec sed -r -i \
-                       -e 's:\<(PORTDIR|ARCH)\>:SDCC\1:g' \
-                       {} + || die
-       # Make sure timestamps don't get messed up.
-       [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] && find "${S}" -type f -exec touch -r . {} +
-       default
-       eautoreconf
-       # Avoid '' rebuild with 'makeinfo': bug #705424
-       # Build dependencies are: 
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/bfdver.texi || die
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/ || die
-src_configure() {
-       # sdbinutils subdir doesn't pass down --docdir properly, so need to
-       # expand $(datarootdir) ourselves.
-       econf \
-               ac_cv_prog_AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
-               ac_cv_prog_AS="$(tc-getAS)" \
-               ac_cv_prog_STRIP=true \
-               $(use_enable avr avr-port) \
-               $(use_enable boehm-gc libgc) \
-               $(use_enable device-lib) \
-               $(use_enable ds390 ds390-port) \
-               $(use_enable ds400 ds400-port) \
-               $(use_enable gbz80 gbz80-port) \
-               $(use_enable hc08 hc08-port) \
-               $(use_enable mcs51 mcs51-port) \
-               $(use_enable non-free) \
-               $(use_enable packihx) \
-               $(use_enable pic14 pic14-port) \
-               $(use_enable pic16 pic16-port) \
-               $(use_enable r2k r2k-port) \
-               $(use_enable r3ka r3ka-port) \
-               $(use_enable s08 s08-port) \
-               $(use_enable sdbinutils) \
-               $(use_enable sdcdb) \
-               $(use_enable sdcpp) \
-               $(use_enable stm8 stm8-port) \
-               $(use_enable tlcs90 tlcs90-port) \
-               $(use_enable ucsim) \
-               $(use_enable z180 z180-port) \
-               $(use_enable z80 z80-port) \
-               --disable-doc \
-               --without-ccache
-src_install() {
-       default
-       dodoc doc/*.txt
-       find "${D}" -name .deps -exec rm -rf {} + || die
-       if use doc && [[ ${PV} != "9999" ]]; then
-               cd "${WORKDIR}"/doc
-               dodoc -r *
-       fi
-       # a bunch of archives (*.a) are built & installed by gputils
-       # for PIC processors, but they do not work with standard `ar`
-       # & `scanelf` utils and they're not for the host.
-       dostrip /usr/bin

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.0.0.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b7f9c472dd..000000000000
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.0.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
-       ESVN_REPO_URI="";
-       inherit subversion
-       SRC_URI="
-     ${PN}-src-${PV}.tar.bz2
-               doc? (${PN}-doc-${PV}.tar.bz2 )
-       "
-       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Small device C compiler (for various microprocessors)"
-       GPL-2 ZLIB
-       non-free? ( MicroChip-SDCC )
-       packihx? ( public-domain )
-# in order of's AC_DO_PORT stanzas
-       avr
-       mcs51
-       z80 z180
-       r2k r3ka
-       gbz80
-       tlcs90
-       ez80-z80
-       ds390 ds400
-       pic14 pic16
-       hc08
-       s08
-       stm8
-       pdk13 pdk14 pdk15 pdk16
-       ${SDCC_PORTS}
-       +boehm-gc device-lib doc non-free packihx +sdbinutils sdcdb +sdcpp ucsim
-for port in ${SDCC_PORTS}; do
-       ${port}? ( sdbinutils )
-       || ( ${SDCC_PORTS} )
-       dev-libs/boost:=
-       sys-libs/ncurses:=
-       sys-libs/readline:0=
-       >=dev-embedded/gputils-0.13.7
-       boehm-gc? ( dev-libs/boehm-gc:= )
-       !dev-embedded/sdcc-svn
-       ${RDEPEND}
-       dev-util/gperf
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.8.0-override-override.patch
-src_prepare() {
-       # Fix conflicting variable names between Gentoo and sdcc
-       find \
-               '(' -name 'Makefile*.in' -o -name 'configure' ')' \
-               -exec sed -r -i \
-                       -e 's:\<(PORTDIR|ARCH)\>:SDCC\1:g' \
-                       {} + || die
-       # Make sure timestamps don't get messed up.
-       [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] && find "${S}" -type f -exec touch -r . {} +
-       default
-       eautoreconf
-       # Avoid '' rebuild with 'makeinfo': bug #705424
-       # Build dependencies are: 
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/bfdver.texi || die
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/ || die
-src_configure() {
-       # sdbinutils subdir doesn't pass down --docdir properly, so need to
-       # expand $(datarootdir) ourselves.
-       econf \
-               ac_cv_prog_AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
-               ac_cv_prog_AS="$(tc-getAS)" \
-               ac_cv_prog_STRIP=true \
-               $(use_enable boehm-gc libgc) \
-               $(use_enable device-lib) \
-               $(use_enable non-free) \
-               $(use_enable packihx) \
-               $(use_enable sdbinutils) \
-               $(use_enable sdcdb) \
-               $(use_enable sdcpp) \
-               $(use_enable ucsim) \
-               \
-               $(use_enable avr avr-port) \
-               $(use_enable mcs51 mcs51-port) \
-               $(use_enable z80 z80-port) \
-               $(use_enable z180 z180-port) \
-               $(use_enable r2k r2k-port) \
-               $(use_enable r3ka r3ka-port) \
-               $(use_enable gbz80 gbz80-port) \
-               $(use_enable tlcs90 tlcs90-port) \
-               $(use_enable ez80-z80 ez80_z80-port) \
-               $(use_enable ds390 ds390-port) \
-               $(use_enable ds400 ds400-port) \
-               $(use_enable pic14 pic14-port) \
-               $(use_enable pic16 pic16-port) \
-               $(use_enable hc08 hc08-port) \
-               $(use_enable s08 s08-port) \
-               $(use_enable stm8 stm8-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk13 pdk13-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk14 pdk14-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk15 pdk15-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk16 pdk16-port) \
-               \
-               --disable-doc \
-               --without-ccache
-src_install() {
-       default
-       dodoc doc/*.txt
-       find "${D}" -name .deps -exec rm -rf {} + || die
-       if use doc && [[ ${PV} != "9999" ]]; then
-               cd "${WORKDIR}"/doc
-               dodoc -r *
-       fi
-       # a bunch of archives (*.a) are built & installed by gputils
-       # for PIC processors, but they do not work with standard `ar`
-       # & `scanelf` utils and they're not for the host.
-       dostrip /usr/bin

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.1.0.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index b374b0833a86..000000000000
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.1.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
-       ESVN_REPO_URI="";
-       inherit subversion
-       SRC_URI="
-     ${PN}-src-${PV}.tar.bz2
-               doc? (${PN}-doc-${PV}.tar.bz2 )
-       "
-       S="${WORKDIR}/sdcc"
-       KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Small device C compiler (for various microprocessors)"
-       GPL-2 ZLIB
-       non-free? ( MicroChip-SDCC )
-       packihx? ( public-domain )
-# in order of's AC_DO_PORT stanzas
-       avr
-       mcs51
-       z80 z180
-       r2k r2ka r3ka
-       gbz80
-       tlcs90
-       ez80-z80
-       z80n
-       ds390 ds400
-       pic14 pic16
-       hc08
-       s08
-       stm8
-       pdk13 pdk14 pdk15 pdk16
-       ${SDCC_PORTS}
-       +boehm-gc device-lib doc non-free packihx +sdbinutils sdcdb +sdcpp ucsim
-for port in ${SDCC_PORTS}; do
-       ${port}? ( sdbinutils )
-       || ( ${SDCC_PORTS} )
-       dev-libs/boost:=
-       sys-libs/ncurses:=
-       sys-libs/readline:0=
-       pic14? ( >=dev-embedded/gputils-0.13.7 )
-       pic16? ( >=dev-embedded/gputils-0.13.7 )
-       boehm-gc? ( dev-libs/boehm-gc:= )
-       !dev-embedded/sdcc-svn
-       ${RDEPEND}
-       dev-util/gperf
-       "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.8.0-override-override.patch
-src_prepare() {
-       # Fix conflicting variable names between Gentoo and sdcc
-       find \
-               '(' -name 'Makefile*.in' -o -name 'configure' ')' \
-               -exec sed -r -i \
-                       -e 's:\<(PORTDIR|ARCH)\>:SDCC\1:g' \
-                       {} + || die
-       # Make sure timestamps don't get messed up.
-       [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] && find "${S}" -type f -exec touch -r . {} +
-       default
-       eautoreconf
-       # Avoid '' rebuild with 'makeinfo': bug #705424
-       # Build dependencies are: 
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/bfdver.texi || die
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/ || die
-src_configure() {
-       # sdbinutils subdir doesn't pass down --docdir properly, so need to
-       # expand $(datarootdir) ourselves.
-       econf \
-               ac_cv_prog_AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
-               ac_cv_prog_AS="$(tc-getAS)" \
-               ac_cv_prog_STRIP=true \
-               $(use_enable boehm-gc libgc) \
-               $(use_enable device-lib) \
-               $(use_enable non-free) \
-               $(use_enable packihx) \
-               $(use_enable sdbinutils) \
-               $(use_enable sdcdb) \
-               $(use_enable sdcpp) \
-               $(use_enable ucsim) \
-               \
-               $(use_enable avr avr-port) \
-               $(use_enable mcs51 mcs51-port) \
-               $(use_enable z80 z80-port) \
-               $(use_enable z180 z180-port) \
-               $(use_enable r2k r2k-port) \
-               $(use_enable r2ka r2ka-port) \
-               $(use_enable r3ka r3ka-port) \
-               $(use_enable gbz80 gbz80-port) \
-               $(use_enable tlcs90 tlcs90-port) \
-               $(use_enable ez80-z80 ez80_z80-port) \
-               $(use_enable z80n z80n-port) \
-               $(use_enable ds390 ds390-port) \
-               $(use_enable ds400 ds400-port) \
-               $(use_enable pic14 pic14-port) \
-               $(use_enable pic16 pic16-port) \
-               $(use_enable hc08 hc08-port) \
-               $(use_enable s08 s08-port) \
-               $(use_enable stm8 stm8-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk13 pdk13-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk14 pdk14-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk15 pdk15-port) \
-               $(use_enable pdk16 pdk16-port) \
-               \
-               --disable-doc \
-               --without-ccache
-src_install() {
-       default
-       dodoc doc/*.txt
-       find "${D}" -name .deps -exec rm -rf {} + || die
-       if use doc && [[ ${PV} != "9999" ]]; then
-               cd "${WORKDIR}"/doc
-               dodoc -r *
-       fi
-       # a bunch of archives (*.a) are built & installed by gputils
-       # for PIC processors, but they do not work with standard `ar`
-       # & `scanelf` utils and they're not for the host.
-       dostrip -x /usr/bin

diff --git a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.2.0.ebuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index 674b5e4b92f3..000000000000
--- a/dev-embedded/sdcc/sdcc-4.2.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
-       ESVN_REPO_URI="";
-       inherit subversion
-       SRC_URI="
-      ${PN}/sdcc/${PV}/${PN}-src-${PV}.tar.bz2
-               doc? (${PN}/sdcc-doc/${PV}/${PN}-doc-${PV}.tar.bz2
-       "
-       KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Small device C compiler (for various microprocessors)"
-       GPL-2 ZLIB
-       non-free? ( MicroChip-SDCC )
-       packihx? ( public-domain )
-# in order of's AC_DO_PORT stanzas
-       mcs51
-       z80 z180
-       r2k r2ka r3ka
-       sm83
-       tlcs90
-       ez80-z80
-       z80n
-       ds390 ds400
-       pic14 pic16
-       hc08
-       s08
-       stm8
-       pdk13 pdk14 pdk15 pdk16
-       mos6502 mos65c02
-       ${SDCC_PORTS}
-       +boehm-gc device-lib doc non-free packihx sdcdb +sdcpp ucsim
-       dev-libs/boost:=
-       sys-libs/zlib:=
-       pic14? ( >=dev-embedded/gputils-0.13.7 )
-       pic16? ( >=dev-embedded/gputils-0.13.7 )
-       boehm-gc? ( dev-libs/boehm-gc:= )
-       sdcdb? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
-       ucsim? ( sys-libs/ncurses:= )
-       ${RDEPEND}
-       dev-util/gperf
-       "${FILESDIR}"/sdcc-3.8.0-override-override.patch
-       "${FILESDIR}"/sdcc-4.2.0-link-tinfo.patch
-src_prepare() {
-       # Fix conflicting variable names between Gentoo and sdcc
-       find device/lib/pic{14,16} device/non-free/lib/pic{14,16} \( \
-                       -name '' -o -name 'Makefile.*' \) \
-               -exec sed -i 's/\<ARCH\>/SDCC_&/g' {} + || die
-       find device -name '' \
-               -exec sed -i 's/\<PORTDIR\>/SDCC_&/g' {} + || die
-       # Possible alternative: Patch the following files to not pick up the
-       # variables from the environment:
-       # - lib/ (PORTDIR ifndef/endif)
-       # - device/non-free/lib/pic14/ (ARCH ?= 877)
-       # - device/non-free/lib/pic16/ (${ARCH:-18f452})
-       # - device/lib/pic14/ (${ARCH:-16f877})
-       # - device/lib/pic16/ (${ARCH:-18f452})
-       # Make sure timestamps don't get messed up.
-       [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] && find "${S}" -type f -exec touch -r . {} +
-       default
-       eautoreconf
-       # Avoid '' rebuild with 'makeinfo': bug #705424
-       # Build dependencies are: 
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/bfdver.texi || die
-       touch support/sdbinutils/bfd/doc/ || die
-src_configure() {
-       local myeconfargs=(
-               ac_cv_prog_STRIP=true
-               --without-ccache
-               --enable-sdbinutils
-               $(use_enable ucsim)
-               $(use_enable device-lib)
-               $(use_enable packihx)
-               $(use_enable sdcpp)
-               $(use_enable sdcdb)
-               $(use_enable non-free)
-               $(use_enable boehm-gc libgc)
-               $(use_enable mcs51 mcs51-port)
-               $(use_enable z80 z80-port)
-               $(use_enable z180 z180-port)
-               $(use_enable r2k r2k-port)
-               $(use_enable r2ka r2ka-port)
-               $(use_enable r3ka r3ka-port)
-               $(use_enable sm83 sm83-port)
-               $(use_enable tlcs90 tlcs90-port)
-               $(use_enable ez80-z80 ez80_z80-port)
-               $(use_enable z80n z80n-port)
-               $(use_enable ds390 ds390-port)
-               $(use_enable ds400 ds400-port)
-               $(use_enable pic14 pic14-port)
-               $(use_enable pic16 pic16-port)
-               $(use_enable hc08 hc08-port)
-               $(use_enable s08 s08-port)
-               $(use_enable stm8 stm8-port)
-               $(use_enable pdk13 pdk13-port)
-               $(use_enable pdk14 pdk14-port)
-               $(use_enable pdk15 pdk15-port)
-               $(use_enable pdk16 pdk16-port)
-               $(use_enable mos6502 mos6502-port)
-               $(use_enable mos65c02 mos65c02-port)
-       )
-       econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
-src_compile() {
-       default
-       # Sanity check, as gputils errors/segfaults don't cause make to stop
-       local libs=()
-       use pic14 && libs+=( device/lib/build/pic14/libsdcc.lib )
-       use pic16 && libs+=( device/lib/build/pic16/libsdcc.lib )
-       for lib in "${libs[@]}"; do
-               [[ -f "${lib}" ]] || die "Failed to build ${lib}"
-       done
-src_install() {
-       default
-       dodoc doc/*.txt
-       find "${ED}" -type d -name .deps -exec rm -vr {} + || die
-       if use doc && [[ ${PV} != "9999" ]]; then
-               cd "${WORKDIR}"/doc
-               dodoc -r *
-       fi

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