On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 21:17:52 -0500, Kumba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've always grasped the concept of keywording multiple packages in rapid 
> fashion.
> What you fail to grasp is proper QA.  As a developer, one does not just go
> keyword happy and commit to CVS - One has to test *each* and *every* package,
> otherwise, bad things can happen.

You dont do that now for every folder in kdebase, do you? -- thats up
to KDE upstream. No reason why you should do that for kdebase-meta

> With monolithic KDE, we can test & keyword something like kdenetwork.  That
> covers a number of packages in one sweep.  With the split ebuilds, we now have
> to test and keyword each ebuild *individually* -- this consumes more time, but
> is necessary to stick to QA guidelines.

Ofcourse you dont. You test & keyword something like kdenetwork-meta.
That covers a number of packages in one sweep...

> Sure, it's the same XX ebuilds that we have to test between the monolithic and
> split forms of KDE, and yes, chances are if a package in the split form
> breaks, it'll also break in the monolithic form, so one would think that what
> I argue is a moot point.  


> In a perfect world, it is a moot point, but alas, in
> a perfect world, many things would be different and/or better.  QA is there
> for a reason, and if a dev skimps on it, we generally find the RepoMan and Mr.
> Bones waiting outside our front door the following morning.

Making sure things have correct dependencies and the kde-meta packages
work is for the KDE team (what a hard job they are doing) -- all thats
needed off the arch teams is to do exactly what they do with the
monolithic ebuilds except add meta to what they typically emerge and
run a simple script to keyword things properly (or leave that to the
KDE team).


> --Kumba
> --
> "Such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small
> hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere."
> --Elrond
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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