Gentoo Hardened Goals for 2005:

Hardened Toolchain:

-A review of the current approach that the hardened toolchain takes is
needed. There may be ways to strengthen the current implementation or
areas of code that can be cleaned up to allow changes to be pushed
upstream easier.

-As a lingering effect of the previous hardened toolchain, many ebuilds
currently filter hardened CFLAGS such as -fPIC and -fstack-protector.
Work can now be devoted on reviewing those packages and seeking
alternate solutions to the filters. Also, the hardened code in
flag-o-matic.eclass should be reviewed and possibly rewritten.

-Introduce amd64/sparc64/ppc stages.  More hardware support can
be covered in the future if we acquire hardware to support them.

Access Control Systems:

-Documents regarding Grsecurity are currently a major need.  The
existing Grsecurity2 document needs to be converted to Handbook
XML. Also, a document detailing the RBAC system in more detail
is needed.

-Strengthen and extend current policies.
-Extend support to more architectures.
-Policy module support.
-Additional Daemon Policies.

-Bring policy support tool to Gentoo packages.
-Develop default Gentoo policies with policy support tool.
-Enhance current documentation, and possibly add documentation about
desktop RSBAC.


-The Hardened Gentoo Project is currently very lacking in documentation.
The hardened toolchain needs to be documented fully, and older documents
that have a relationship to the toolchain need to updated such as the
SSP, PIE, and PIC documents. Also, comparative documents should be
written to explain the choices that Hardened Gentoo has made in deciding
which security tools to support and which not to support.


-The Hardened team is in need of more members.  Users who take a
proactive approach to finding places for improvement and filling in the
holes will be noticed and probably recruited.

-A new Hardened Committee needs to be elected when current terms expire
this year.

Release Engineering:

-Introduce a LiveCD geared towards issues relating to Hardened such as
penetration testing, trojan detection, rescue utilities, etc.

-Continue to support and improve our 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel patchsets.

-Continue down the path of aiming and maintaining self-sufficiency for
the Hardened project.

Public Relations:

-Improved efforts are needed to promote hardened technologies outside of
the Gentoo project alone.  Also, improved awareness of the Hardened
project within Gentoo itself is needed.


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