
At Sun, 10 Aug 2003 16:22:52 +0200,
Tom Payne wrote:

> Switching to 1.8.0 will also have downsides:
> 1) Forcing 1.6.8 users to upgrade may break their code.

Why don't you create ruby-shim ebuild for 1.6.8 users to keep using
1.6.8 for a while?  I noticed some ruby scripts are broken with ruby
1.8.0 and don't want to upgrade ruby to 1.8 on several machines.
Ruby-shim will not be maintained for long periodes, but still
it is useful for us to get smooth transition.

> 2) Older 1.6.8 packages will no longer be supported.

I disagree with this option because there will be a certain number of
people who stick to use 1.6.8 and they will want packages supporting
1.6.8 as well as 1.8.  Of course I am one of those ;-)


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