
At Sat, 1 Nov 2003 22:41:27 +0000 (UTC),
Ferris McCormick wrote:

> However, on one note, yesterday I mentioned that it would be
> nice if I could pass in a redefinition of the gc heap space size.
> With the ruby-1.8 build, at least, this time around something
> like
> CFLAGS='-DGC_MALLOC_LIMIT=32000000 -O3 -mcpu=ultrassparc -pipe' \
> emerge ....
> does this for me.

I modified ruby-1.8.0-r1 and ruby-1.8.1_pre2 to pass
"RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=32000000" to /etc/make.conf or set
RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT environment variable to 32000000 and emerge ruby

At Sun, 2 Nov 2003 16:08:41 +0000 (UTC),
Ferris McCormick wrote:

> If I may make a couple suggestions:
> 1.  Something like 'ruby-config' would be nice for switching between
>     the two and for quickly reminding you which is currently default
>     (I think all it has to do is adjust three soft links and env-update?)

Sounds nice. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll write one shortly. Just
FYI, currently ruby ebuilds use alternatives.eclass to choose default
version (so there is no handy way to change default version after merge).

> 2.  It would be nice if when you have "USE=-ruby18" if 
>        USE="-ruby18" CFLAGS="..." emerge ruby-1.8.0-r1.ebuild
>     forcing ruby-1.8.0-r1 install didn't adjust the links to make ruby-1.8
>     the default, because
>       a.  User extensions (like GSL) are version dependent;
>       b.  Some applications --- vim comes to mind --- need to be
>           built for a specific ruby version;
>       c.  If I have USE="ruby -ruby18" I think I am saying that I
>           want applications built for ruby support assuming ruby16,
>           and the emerge process ought to honor that request (by leaving
>           ruby16 as default.)

Sorry, this is rathar a bug. I forgot to add ruby18 USE flag to
ruby-1.8 ebuilds and it shouldn't set ruby-1.8 default if ruby-1.6 is
installed. I added ruby18 USE flag to them, so if you want ruby-1.8 as
default ruby, please set ruby18 USE flag (this will be changed after
ruby-1.8 become stable).


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