On Tuesday 01 March 2005 23:15, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> As those who hang around in the mysterious realms of Portage
> development may know, there's some feeling around that the current
> system of virtual packages has some serious limitations. The
> currently-proposed
> alternative (as discussed previously, notably in
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/18922), involves a
> system of metapackages. These would essentially consist of a
> non-installable ebuild that consists entirely of a set of dependency
> information. Once the dependencies for the metapackage are satisfied,
> it's considered to be installed, and packages depending on it can go
> ahead and be built.

I see one feature that is really made more necessary for this. You want to 
be able to select ranges of package versions that can not directly be 
gotten by using wildcards. That way you can do real version mapping.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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