On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:42:05 -0500
Aron Griffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Francesco Riosa wrote:        [Thu Mar 24 2005, 08:22:40AM EST]
> > In addition to "Manifest" files in portage tree there are 19000
> > "digest-${P}" files in the portage tree each of this uses 4k on
> > ext{2,3} filesystem and has to be scanned each time rsync is run on
> > the tree.  Is possible to avoid the use of theese files?
> A few mods to portage and it should be possible to give the Manifest
> a structure to contain the digests...

Yeah, I might reconsider my digest-redesign I sent here a few months ago
if there is actually interest in this.


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