* On Fri Mar-25-2005 at 03:37:23 AM +0000, Ciaran McCreesh said:
> I've added {vim,gvim,vim-core}-6.3.068 to the tree in package.mask. I'd
> like them to get a bit of testing before I unleash them upon ~arch,
> since they have some fairly non-trivial changes. I'm mostly interested
> in whether the vimrc works,

Ok here.

> whether vim scp://blah/ still works and

Haven't used this feature before, seems to work as I'd expect it to.

> whether it bombs out with some weird error during the build...


> Oh, and whether editing your make.conf has sane highlighting or not...

make.conf highlights fine.

Things seem to be in order over here as well.

Sami Samhuri

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