On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 12:58:57PM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 12:15:17PM +0200, Fabian Zeindl wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > There was a discussion on the gentoo-user-de list about this two
> > Useflags: gtk and gtk2. Because not everybody is sure what the mean, so
> > if you have -gtk +gtk2 some think that gtk2 should be installed and soon.
> There are lots of useflags that don't install anything.
> Take the new mp3 useflag for example, used by beep-media-player.
> would you expect it to install a program called 'mp3'? :)
> > Wouldn't it be better if "gtk" meaned that the newest available gtk
> > version ist installed (gtk1 or gtk2) and a flag like oldgtk take the
> > older version gtk1.
> As soon as gtk3 comes along, you scheme won't work anymore.
> Some programs use gtk1 only, some gtk2 only, and a few have
> support for both. As there is not much point in using both
> of them at runtime, if you use +gtk2, programs that support
> both will use gtk2.
A saner (and previously proposed) approach would be
gtk ~= gtk support.  *any* version.
gtk1 = gtk v1 support
gtk2 = gtk v2 support
gtkN = gtk vN support.

With the current approach, gtk2 is dependant on gtk; above approach 
breaks the dependency between the two flags, and gives the user the 
ability to control explicitly what versions are used, rather then the 
partial crapshoot it is now.  If they want *just* v2 support, above 
allows it w/out resorting to a package.mask.
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