Donnie Berkholz posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:58:09 -0700:

> Daniel Goller wrote:
>> do  you want both on one bug or seperate bugs, from your email, you do
>> want success and problems on bugs.g.o, correct? do you want hardware
>> info/binary drivers used added?
> Basically emerge info and xorg.conf, from which I can suck out your
> architecture, xorg USE flags, toolchain and driver.
> Successes are only really interesting for 6.8.99.*. THe other, I expect
> to work fairly well.

OK, I'm currently running the snapshot, on ~amd64 w/ the radeon
xorg native drivers and gcc-3.4.3.  No issues with it save for the
previously posted font problems, now corrected I gather.

However, my question is do you want gcc-4.0.0 bugs yet, or not?  I tried
remerging w/ gcc4 without success, and now that I see the .99.5
snapshot out, before I go trying to upgrade to it, I'm wondering if it's
worth my while to try it under my gcc4 gcc-profile, bugging
success/failure, or if you aren't ready for that yet and I should just
report on gcc-3.4.3 merges (gcc-3.3 is deprecated on amd64).

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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