Heres the easiest way to do your "erescue"

dd if=/dev/hda of=backup.iso 

"Three days later: AAAHHH! I blew up the /usr dir!"

mkdir /backup
mount -o loop backup.iso /backup
cp -f -r -a /backup/usr /

Pretty simple no?

And there you have it.  Backup shouldnt really be the burdon of
developers.  This should be up to the user in my opinion.  If you break
something, then its your fault for not having a backup.  Of coarse this
is just ONE way to backup. There are a bazillion ways to do it.  The
choice is up to you.  Besides, if you are running the unstable branch
and you DONT have a backup? You deserve what you get for not having
backed up :P

Donnie Berkholz wrote:

> Krzysiek Pawlik wrote:
> >Use `quickpkg` before dangerous updates/merges. If something brakes -
> >untar the package.
> Doesn't work too well when tar's broken too. =)

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