On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 01:01:56PM +0200, Simon Stelling wrote:
> > I would like to propose the following changes:
> > Let's keep the metadata.xml in each package's directory in _CVS only_.
> > Don't propagate them via rsync. Instead, use a script to compile all
> > metadata.xml files into one central (XML) file. (This would probably
> > need slight changes to the DTD). This file would then be placed into
> > gentoo-portage/metadata/ and Portage,devs and users could easily parse it.
> Sounds good, if your script validates the per-package metadata.xml
> before transform it to the global one. It'd really suck if a single
> missing '>' could screw the whole tree's metadata. This shouldn't be a
> problem, especially if you transform the information with XSLT.
> I definitively like the idea, it should speed up emerge -s enormously
Unlikely... stable portage knows of metadata.xml *explicitly* in two 
places, repoman's commit code, and digest checking, neither of which 
come into play for an emerge -s.  You'll remove one entry from the 
listdir returns for a package directory, per package directory, bout 

What's the gain, aside from implication of  collapsing it into a 
single file?  Honestly my only use for metadata.xml is looking up who 
I get to poke about fixing broken ebuilds...


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