On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 11:25:00PM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> I'd be for having RDEPEND required to be set manually. ;)
As would I, actually...

Granted it's a useful convenience, but it also makes nailing the deps 
down much harder.  Personally down the line, I'd like to see packages 
that require compilation actually stating the virtual/gcc dep, and 
RDEPEND="${RDEPEND-${DEPEND}}" kind of screws with that.

> But seeing that it would be a huge task and there aren't the resources or 
> support to do it at this time,
Question is which is preferable.

Changing half the tree is a pita granted and not something to be done 
drop of the hat, but that doesn't mean can't decide to change how 
things are done, and work towards it gradually.

Writing out a helper script wouldn't be too hard, nor would a script 
that does the actual changes- just lift it from ebuild.sh (RDEPEND and 
E_RDEPEND are kept seperate till post sourcing).

> Anyway, not much point in increasing an already overflowing workload at this 
> point in time.

I'm mainly interested if people agree with the convenience feature 
being worthwhile to keep; I don't think so, but I also occasionally 
have strange ideas :)

Again, note, if people did agree rdepend=${rdepend-${depend}} was 
evil, it's not a massive treewide commit to change it; just would 
require gradually adding explicit rdepend into ebuilds till it's 
done, then ixnaying the convenience feature.  Same type of changes 
gradually rolled out for use and has's verbosity (making them no 
longer echo the result)...

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