On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 15:46 -0700, Greg KH wrote:
> Ok, now that devfs is removed from the 2.6 kernel tree[1], I think it's
> time to start to revisit some of the /dev naming rules that we currently
> are living with[2].
> To start with, the 061 version of udev offers a big memory savings if
> you use the "default" kernel name of a device[3].  If you do that, it does
> not create a file in its database in /dev/.udevdb/
> If we can move away from some of our devfs-like names, we stand to
> reclaim a lot of memory from everyone's machines.  As an example, if we
> drop all of the tty/pts/vc/vcc symlinks, and just go with the default
> kernel name, we save 2.5Mb of space in tempfs/ramfs.  I've done this on
> my machines and everything seems to work just fine (it looks like
> everything that was trying to use a tty node was just using the symlink
> anyway.)
> So, anyone have any objections to me changing the default udev naming
> scheme in this manner?

Fine with me.  I assume we will need to keep the rcscript support for
those die-hard 2.4 users still, but hopefully we can eventually drop
that as well.

> Next up, that loony block device naming scheme (more on that later...)

Heh.  I hope that we will still at least just do the cdsymlinks stuff
(just the /dev/cdrom, /dev/dvd, etc stuff) as that do make things a bit
easier for multimedia stuff.

> [3] HAL needs a patch to be able to handle this.  It's posted on the
>     hal development mailing lists and will be checked in real-soon-now.

I just think we need to make sure this is in first ...

Lastly on an unrelated note ... I have a rule:

# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/40-dm.rules
KERNEL="dm-[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/sbin/devmap_name %M %m", NAME="mapper/%c", 

And in theory it should be the last rule to set the name ... however the
default one in 50-udev.rules overrides it, and I have to add

--- (default rule) ---
KERNEL="dm-[0-9]*",     NAME=""

I am assuming (without having looked at the code) that because NAME is
set to "", whatever code that should drop it as it have NAME, does not
kick in?


Martin Schlemmer
Gentoo Linux Developer, Desktop/System Team Developer
Cape Town, South Africa

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