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You guys may have noticed or heard about additions to the staff by
kloeri.  I am one of the new devs.  GurliGebis has also joined
gentoo.  Our task is to take bugdays off of kloeri's hands.   With
kloeri's guidance we're brainstorming ways to increase the
effectiveness of bugdays.  Below are some of the ideas we've been
contemplating.  Please reply with comments, questions and
suggestions.  Take note that all of the changes are to the bugday
page.  No changes will be made to Bugzilla.

1. Build the Gentoo community both over the internet and in real life.
2. Increase user/developer coordination. i.e. More users fixing bugs.

- - Have pre-bugday and post-bugday podcasts designed to present
information in an alternate form.
    The pre-bugday podcast would include how-tos/tips in addition to a
run down of the top bugs.
    The post-bugday podcast would include a debrief and highlight the
most effective bugday individuals and teams.
- - User logins using usernames and passwords from bugzilla.
- - In accordance with the above, user bug additions and voting on bugs
may also be supported.
    Note: no changes to bugzilla so lets not restart that discussion.
- - Classification of bugs by difficulty and language skills (if any)
- - Reference links to helpful articles on languages relating to a bug.
- - Points awarded to users for solving bugs. These points are the also
the priority votes.
- - Association with bug hunting groups/teams which either form over the
internet or in real life.
- - Event planner for real life bugday sessions.
- - IRC bot interface to new website.
- - New logo.

Upcoming events (Will be the timeline.)
August 6, 2005 - Gentoo Bugday
September 3, 2005 - Gentoo Bugday
October 1, 2005 - Gentoo Bugday
November 5, 2005 - Gentoo Bugday
December 3, 2005 - Gentoo Bugday

In addition to feedback on these ideas, I'd like to get some feedback
on ways to improve bugdays for developers.
Do you as a dev participate regularly?  Why or why not?
What could we do to improve the ease of bugdays?
What bottlenecks exist in closing bugs?


Thats enough for now.  Thanks for your time.
~Scott Shawcroft (tannewt)
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