First, sidenote (mild ot to this thread also), pardon the dupe posts, 
thick fingered typing dumping an old message :)

On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 01:34:33PM -0400, Olivier Crete wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-23-08 at 11:16 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> > As an aside to this. Does anyone know how debug information can be changed 
> > to have a different basedir. My idea was to create a "custom" strip 
> > wrapper that would create external debugging files (like now possible 
> > with gdb/binutils) and point them to a location 
> > in /usr/src/packagenameplusversion. For that it would be necessary to in 
> > some way hack the source location in the debug information.
> There is already a patch [1] in bugzilla that does that.. And in bonus
> to keeping the debug files (currently in <libpath>/.debug/
> but that can be changed) . It can also keep the source files
> in /usr/src/debug so they can loaded by gdb (pretty useful when
> debugging into libraries). 
> It creates 3 new features, keepdebug, keepdebugbin and keepsources
Would rather implement those as filters as described above; short 
version is that features is chunked up in the rewrite, so it's options 
on the component you're configuring moreso.  That said, still will map 
from old make.* to new format (on the fly, no forced config upgrades), 
but I'd rather see it implemented as I've proposed.

Reasoning is that if you build with debugging crap on, you've got 
maximal flexibility in your choice of what your binpkgs/vdb winds up 


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