On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 12:11:19PM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 04:41:49 +0200
> Marius Mauch wrote:
> > > DOWNLOAD_CMD="wget http://laby.toybox.de/download15/ -O
> > > laby_$(P).tar.gz"
> > 
> > Nope. You have three options:
> > a) bug upstream to fix that crap
> > b) use RESTRICT="fetch"
> > c) assuming the license permits it, repackage it
> > 
> > Marius
> So am I being told that you can't change stuff from make.conf per ebuild?
> That would fix it I think.
Can't vary fetchcommand per pkg, since it's a completely seperate 
thing from the ebuild env.

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