Ok, OpenLDAP2.2 has lasted nearly 2 months in stable, with no open bugs
against 2.2 itself. I've just put 2.2.28 in the tree, and it should fix
all remaining cases where strange build problems cropped up.

So this is now notice that I intend to move it into stable on x86 next
weekend (except if a major bug comes up).

For most users, revdep-rebuild should cover you. 

For anybody running an OpenLDAP server, the ebuild WILL fail, and will
provide you with a set of manual instructions for the upgrade, so that
it does not corrupt your existing database. 

If you bypass the checks and try to run the new version anyway, it WILL
corrupt your data. Perhaps totally, but sometimes just in subtle ways.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Home Page  : http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
ICQ#       : 30269588 or 41961639
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