On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 12:05:11PM +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> Why not create that directory in the /var/tmp/portage/package/ directory. 
> It would also safeguard against packages using files that they did not 
> request. Maybe in the future a similar thing could be done for patches 
> (when ebuilds finally get to specify which files from the files dir they 
> use)
using $PORTAGE_TMPDIR/portage/$CATEGORY/$P/distdir atm
Note the additional $CATEGORY dir; unless people scream, it's wise 
from where I'm sitting- it avoids potential $PORTAGE_BUILDDIR 
Yes they're unlikely, but why allow for it?

Re: patches, would be game, just not sure of a clean way how.

And for the truly paranoid, had thought about transfering $FILESDIR in 
during verification.  That's a bit much for local trees, but for 
remote tree's $FILESDIR will be $PORTDIR/$CATEGORY/$P/files simply 
because a place is needed to slap the files on the local fs.

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