On Mon, 2005-08-29 at 17:24 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:
> Aside from that, the parent implementation could stand a tweak or two.  
> Further, assuming metapkg goes through, virtual is obsoleted.  The 
> inclusion of GRP_STAGE23_USE also bugs me a bit; yes it works right 
> now, but what happens when you need to push more info in?  Seems like 
> it should be contained on it's own.

Actually, we've dumped GRP_STAGE23_USE in catalyst and decided that it
was better to keep everything consistent across the board and just
include everything in USE and use it instead.  You won't see
GRP_STAGE23_USE in any new profiles.

> Either way, just a couple of things off the top of my head.  My main 
> push for it is cleanup for stand alone repositories, and ensuring 
> anything people attempt with profiles doesn't have side effects on the 
> raw repositories metadata.

Ahh... so nothing really crazy or divergent from what we have now, just
generally making them cleaner and more sane.  I'm definitely behind that

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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