On Tue, 2005-30-08 at 21:40 +0100, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 21:15:18 +0000
> Luis Medinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I belive the worse QA is in x86 and not in AMD64 and MIPS. Between
> > AMD64 and x86 there's a lot of differences i.e. many packages in the
> > tree that needs to be patched to work on AMD64 so we cannot cover
> > AMD64/x86 under the same keyword. 
> There are packages that will work on (for example) little-endian mips
> but won't work or will need patching to work on big-endian, yet we
> still cover both of those with one keyword.

You are comparing apples and oranges.. Most of the herd devs only have
x86 and are not able to test amd64. That's the main difference. 

And I dont think the QA is worst on x86.. Most herd devs are on x86 and
its their responsability to do their QA. I've seen many horrible ebuilds
done by ppc people too. And x86 has many more packages that any other

Also, x86 is where most of the newbies are, we can't assume that if it
works on amd64 it will also work on x86.. Let me say it again: x86 is
still special.. its not a regular architecture. 

That said, I agree, we need an x86 team. Maybe you want to lead it ?

Olivier CrĂȘte
Gentoo Developer
x86 Security Liaison

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