OK, I've seen this mentioned several times, but never with an explanation
of how to do it, without either causing issues for the one segment, or
holding up keywording perfectly working packages on another segment. Perhaps it can be done, please explain how if so.

Keep in mind that the *stable* trees of x86 and amd64 are actually pretty close to the same versions anyway, I just ran gmsoft's imlate script for amd64 vs. x86 keywords:

Package Name                            amd64               x86
app-accessibility/gnome-speech          0.3.6               0.3.7-r1
app-accessibility/gok                   1.0.3               1.0.5
app-accessibility/java-access-bridge    1.4.2               1.4.5-r1
app-arch/arj                            3.10.21             3.10g
app-crypt/gringotts                     1.2.8               1.2.8-r1
app-doc/quanta-docs                     20030405            20041123
app-editors/gedit                       2.10.3              2.10.3-r1
app-editors/kile                        1.7.1               1.8.1-r1
app-editors/mlview                      0.6.3               0.8
app-emacs/nxml-mode                     20040910            20041004
app-emulation/spim                      6.5-r1              7.0
app-i18n/im-ja                          1.3-r1              1.4
app-i18n/koffice-i18n                   1.3.5               1.4.1
app-i18n/manpages-es                    1.28                1.55
app-i18n/scim                           1.2.2               1.4.1
app-i18n/skk-jisyo-cdb                  200410              200504
app-laptop/tpctl                        4.8                 4.16
app-misc/jitac                          0.2.0               0.2.0-r1
app-misc/mime-types                     2                   3
app-misc/muttprint                      0.72a               0.72d
app-office/koffice                      1.3.5-r2            1.4.1
app-portage/splat                       0.07                0.08
app-shells/zsh                          4.2.4               4.2.5
app-text/convmv                         1.05                1.08
app-text/docbook-dsssl-stylesheets      1.77-r2             1.79
app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd               4.2-r2              4.4
app-text/docbook-sgml-utils             0.6.12              0.6.14
app-text/docbook-xml-dtd                4.3                 4.4
app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets        1.66.1              1.68.1-r1
app-text/enchant                        1.1.5               1.1.6
app-text/epstool                        3.06                3.08
app-text/estraier                       1.2.25              1.2.26
app-text/gnome-doc-utils                0.2.0               0.2.1
app-text/gnome-spell                    1.0.5-r2            1.0.6
app-text/hd2u                           0.9.2               1.0.0
app-text/libwpd                         0.7.1               0.7.2
app-text/sablotron                      1.0                 1.0.1
app-text/scrollkeeper                   0.3.14              0.3.14-r1
dev-cpp/libxmlpp                        2.8.0-r2            2.10.0-r1
dev-db/pgpool                           2.5.2               2.6.2
dev-db/pygresql                         3.6.1               3.6.2
dev-db/qdbm                             1.8.17              1.8.30
dev-db/rekall                           2.2.3-r1            2.2.4
dev-db/unixODBC                         2.2.6               2.2.11-r1
dev-java/adaptx 0.9.13_p20041105 0.9.13_p20041105-r1
dev-java/cryptix-jce-bin                20030217            20040825
dev-java/ecs                            1.4.1-r1            1.4.2
dev-java/edtftpj                        1.4.4               1.4.8
dev-java/fscript                        1.14                1.15
dev-java/gnu-jaxp                       1.0_beta1-r1        1.3
dev-java/gnu-regexp                     1.1.4               1.1.4-r1
dev-java/itext                          1.2.3               1.3
dev-java/javolution                     2.2.0               3.2.4
dev-java/jcommon                        0.9.7               0.9.7-r1
dev-java/jdbc-mysql                     3.0.16              3.0.17
dev-java/jdbc2-postgresql               7.3                 7.4
dev-java/jdom                           1.0_beta10-r3       1.0
dev-java/jmp                            0.46                0.47
dev-java/jscience                       1.0.3               1.0.4
dev-java/lucene                         1.4.1               1.4.3
dev-java/mockobjects                    0.09                0.09-r1
dev-java/rhino                          1.5.5-r1            1.6.1-r1
dev-java/saxon-bin                      8.0b                8.4b
dev-java/xdoclet                        1.2.1               1.2.2
dev-libs/atk                            1.9.1               1.10.1
dev-libs/bglibs                         1.017               1.019-r1
dev-libs/dbh                            1.0.20              1.0.24
dev-libs/dietlibc                       0.25                0.28
dev-libs/dvacm4                         0.3.5               0.3.5-r1
dev-libs/glib                           2.6.4               2.6.5
dev-libs/http-fetcher                   1.0.3               1.1.0
dev-libs/libdaemon                      0.7                 0.8
dev-libs/libksba                        0.4.7               0.9.11
dev-libs/libpqxx                        2.4.2               2.5.1
dev-libs/libxslt                        1.1.14              1.1.14-r2
dev-libs/openobex                       1.0.0               1.0.1
dev-libs/xerces-c                       2.6.0               2.6.0-r1
dev-libs/yaz                            2.0.8               2.1.8-r1
dev-perl/Apache-Test                    1.15                1.23
dev-perl/AppConfig                      1.56-r1             1.56-r2
dev-perl/Authen-SASL                    2.04                2.09
dev-perl/Class-Autouse                  1.12                1.17
dev-perl/Class-Default                  1.0                 1.1
dev-perl/Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA              0.19                0.21
dev-perl/Crypt-SSLeay                   0.49                0.51
dev-perl/DBD-Pg                         1.22                1.43
dev-perl/Devel-StackTrace               1.03                1.11
dev-perl/Digest-MD4                     1.3                 1.5
dev-perl/Digest-SHA1                    2.07                2.10
dev-perl/Exception-Class                1.14-r1             1.21
dev-perl/ExtUtils-CBuilder              0.05                0.12
dev-perl/Filter                         1.29                1.30
dev-perl/GD                             2.18                2.23
dev-perl/HTML-LinkExtractor             0.12.1              0.13
dev-perl/HTML-Parser                    3.36-r1             3.45
dev-perl/HTML-Template                  2.6-r1              2.7
dev-perl/HTML-Tree                      3.17                3.18
dev-perl/Locale-PO                      0.12                0.14
dev-perl/Net-DNS                        0.48                0.49
dev-perl/Net-RawIP                      0.1                 0.2
dev-perl/POE                            0.26                0.30.09
dev-perl/Params-Validate                0.72                0.76
dev-perl/Template-Toolkit               2.09                2.14
dev-perl/WWW-Mechanize                  1.04                1.12
dev-perl/XML-DT                         0.32                0.37
dev-perl/XML-LibXSLT                    1.53                1.57
dev-perl/XML-Sablot                     0.90-r1             0.98
dev-perl/XML-Twig                       3.15-r1             3.17
dev-perl/crypt-random                   1.13                1.25
dev-perl/gnome2-wnck                    0.04-r1             0.10
dev-perl/gtk-perl                       0.7008-r11          0.7009-r2
dev-perl/libintl-perl                   1.10                1.11
dev-perl/libxml-perl                    0.07-r2             0.08
dev-perl/log-dispatch                   2.08                2.10
dev-perl/math-pari                      2.010500-r1         2.010603
dev-perl/perl-ldap                      0.31                0.33
dev-php/PECL-apc                        2.0.4               3.0.6
dev-php/adodb                           4.55                4.64
dev-python/docutils                     0.3.3-r1            0.3.5
dev-python/fpconst                      0.6.0               0.7.1
dev-python/geoip-python                 0.2.0               1.2.0
dev-python/gnuplot-py                   1.6                 1.7
dev-python/logilab-common               0.5.0               0.9.3
dev-python/mysql-python                 1.0.0               1.2.0
dev-python/pycrypto                     1.9_alpha6          2.0-r1
dev-python/pycurl                       7.13.1              7.13.2
dev-python/pygame                       1.6                 1.6.2
dev-python/pysqlite                     0.5.1               1.0.1
dev-ruby/ruby-opengl                    0.32c               0.32d
dev-util/desktop-file-utils             0.9                 0.10
dev-util/devhelp                        0.9.3               0.10
dev-util/gob                            2.0.9               2.0.12
dev-util/intltool                       0.31.2              0.33
dev-util/kdevelop                       3.1.2               3.2.1-r1
dev-util/libconf                        0.39.21             0.40.00
dev-util/monotone                       0.18                0.19
dev-util/source-highlight               1.11-r2             2.0
games-board/crafty                      19.8                19.20
games-emulation/xmame                   0.83.1              0.99-r1
games-emulation/xmess                   0.83.1              0.99-r1
games-util/qstat                        2.7                 2.8
games-util/xqf                          1.0.2               1.0.3
gnome-base/control-center               2.10.1-r1           2.10.2
gnome-base/gail                         1.8.3               1.8.4
gnome-base/gconf                        2.10.0              2.10.1-r1
gnome-base/gnome                        2.10.1              2.10.2
gnome-base/gnome-desktop                2.10.1              2.10.2
gnome-base/gnome-keyring                0.4.2               0.4.3
gnome-base/gnome-menus                  2.10.1              2.10.2-r1
gnome-base/gnome-session                2.10.0              2.10.0-r3
gnome-base/gnome-volume-manager         1.2.1               1.2.2
gnome-base/libbonobo                    2.8.1               2.10.0
gnome-base/libbonoboui                  2.8.1               2.10.0
gnome-base/libgnome                     2.10.0              2.10.1-r1
gnome-base/libgnomecanvas               2.10.0              2.10.2
gnome-base/libgnomeui                   2.10.0              2.10.1
gnome-base/libgtop                      2.10.1              2.10.2
gnome-extra/at-spi                      1.6.3               1.6.4
gnome-extra/libgda                      1.0.3               1.2.2
gnome-extra/libgnomedb                  1.0.4               1.2.2
gnome-extra/libgsf                      1.12.0              1.12.1
gnome-extra/nautilus-cd-burner          2.10.1              2.10.2
gnustep-base/gnustep-back-art           0.9.4-r1            0.9.5
gnustep-base/gnustep-base               1.10.1-r1           1.10.3
gnustep-base/gnustep-env                0.1.5               0.1.6-r1
gnustep-base/gnustep-gui                0.9.4               0.9.5
mail-filter/amavisd-new                 2.2.1-r2            2.3.2
mail-filter/razor                       2.74                2.77
media-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera          1.10-r2             1.10-r3
media-gfx/gimp                          2.2.6-r1            2.2.8-r1
media-gfx/gphoto2                       2.1.4               2.1.5
media-gfx/graphviz                      1.10                1.16
media-gfx/gthumb                        2.6.3               2.6.5
media-gfx/kst                           0.97                1.1.0
media-libs/adplug                       1.5                 1.5.1
media-libs/compface                     1.4                 1.5.1
media-libs/gst-plugins                  0.8.8-r2            0.8.10
media-libs/gstreamer                    0.8.9-r3            0.8.10
media-libs/libmng                       1.0.5               1.0.8-r1
media-libs/libnjb                       1.2                 2.2
media-plugins/gst-plugins-a52dec        0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-alsa          0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-cdparanoia    0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-dv            0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-dvdread       0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-esd           0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-faac          0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-faad          0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac          0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-gnomevfs      0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-jpeg          0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-lame          0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-libpng        0.8.8-r1            0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad           0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpeg2dec      0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-ogg           0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-oss           0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-pango         0.8.8-r1            0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-raw1394       0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-shout2        0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-speex         0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-theora        0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-v4l           0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis        0.8.8               0.8.10
media-plugins/gst-plugins-xvideo        0.8.8               0.8.10
media-sound/edna                        0.5-r3              0.5-r4
media-sound/esound                      0.2.34              0.2.36-r1
media-sound/gnomad                      2.5.0               2.8.0
media-sound/musepack-tools              1.15u               1.15v
media-tv/tvtime                         0.9.12              0.9.15
media-tv/xmltv                          0.5.34              0.5.37-r1
media-video/totem                       1.0.2-r1            1.0.4
net-analyzer/rrdtool                    1.0.49              1.2.6-r1
net-dialup/cutecom                      0.12.0              0.13.1
net-dialup/ppp                          2.4.2-r10           2.4.2-r12
net-dns/pdnsd                           1.1.10              1.2.2
net-im/silc-toolkit                     0.9.12-r3           1.0
net-im/sim                              0.8.3               0.9.3-r2
net-libs/libsoup                        2.2.3               2.2.3-r1
net-libs/wvstreams                      4.0.1-r2            4.0.2
net-mail/getmail                        4.3.6               4.3.11
net-mail/gotmail                        0.8.2-r1            0.8.4
net-misc/bridge-utils                   1.0.6-r2            1.0.6-r3
net-misc/putty                          0.57                0.58
net-misc/tightvnc                       1.2.9-r1            1.3_alpha5
net-nds/jxplorer                        3.1_rc4             3.1
net-wireless/irda-utils                 0.9.16              0.9.16-r1
perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker            6.20                6.21
perl-core/File-Spec                     0.87                3.06
perl-core/digest-base                   1.05                1.10
sys-apps/i2c                            2.8.7               2.9.1
sys-apps/ifplugd                        0.26-r1             0.28
sys-apps/pcmcia-cs                      3.2.7-r3            3.2.8-r2
sys-cluster/lam-mpi                     7.0.4               7.0.6
sys-fs/ntfsprogs                        1.9.4               1.11.1-r1
sys-power/acpid                         1.0.2-r2            1.0.4-r2
www-client/epiphany                     1.6.3               1.6.4
x11-libs/gtk+                           2.6.7               2.6.8
x11-libs/libdockapp                     0.5.0-r1            0.6.0
x11-libs/libwnck                        2.10.0              2.10.3
x11-libs/pango                          1.8.1               1.8.1-r1
x11-libs/wxGTK                          2.4.2-r3            2.6.1
x11-plugins/desklet-starterbar          0.22.1              0.31.3-r1
x11-plugins/wmacpi                      1.99_p7             2.1_rc1
x11-plugins/wmbiff                      0.4.25              0.4.25-r1
x11-plugins/wmcoincoin                  2.5.0c              2.5.0g
x11-plugins/wmdrawer                    0.10.5              0.10.5-r1
x11-plugins/wmfishtime                  1.23-r2             1.24
x11-plugins/wmmon                       1.0_beta2-r2        1.0_beta2-r3
x11-plugins/wmnd                        0.4.11              0.4.11-r1
x11-plugins/wmpower                     0.4.1               0.4.2
x11-plugins/wmtimer                     2.4                 2.9.2
x11-plugins/wmxmms                      0.1.4               0.1.4-r1
x11-terms/mrxvt                         0.4.0-r1            0.4.1
x11-terms/rxvt-unicode                  4.0                 5.3
x11-themes/gnome-themes                 2.10.1              2.10.2
x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme           0.5                 0.8
x11-wm/metacity                         2.10.1              2.10.3
A total of 264 ebuilds seems outaded on amd64

Yes, there are a lot of "outdated" ebuilds on amd64, but practically all of those are because the "maintainer arch" is x86, so x86 gets bumped first. Then, it is the amd64 team's responsibility to bump up their stable versions to match if they so choose. Notice that for almost everything, amd64 is barely behind x86...just a minor version number/revision or two at most.

No offense intended, but as a user, I /like/ to actually know that a
package keyworded for my arch (segment) is known to work on it in full
(IMHO) uncrippled amd64 form, not in some (IMHO) "crippled 32-bit special
case". If we went the other way and removed x86 keywording from everything
that failed in 64-bit mode, including all 32-bit only codecs and the like,
x86(32) arch(segment) folks would rightly be wailing in protest.

I think you are pretty confused and don't know what we're talking about at all. I'm not suggesting that amd64 folks keyword stuff and just assume it works on x86, or vice versa. It is pretty silly to even think that would ever be the case. If package maintainers coordinate closely with the amd64 team (which is growing quite large itself), they could easily work out the QA and non-working stuff well before it ever goes into the stable tree. Also keep in mind that ~arch keywords mean that an ebuild is in testing, so it is quite possible there will be broken stuff floating around there. If you are worried about your ~amd64 or ~x86 tree breaking, you shouldn't be using them anyway.

Again, no offense intended, but unless you have some magic way to fix that
situation, perhaps the MIPS devs and users are willing to live with that
problem on MIPS, but neither x86(32) users nor amd64 users (and by this
I'm including devs, which are obviously users as well) are interested in
being saddled with an unnecessary problem, when the current situation
avoids it, or I expect the amd64 keyword would have never been added.

We don't "live with that problem on MIPS" because it doesn't exist. If something doesn't work in one spot, we dont' stable keyword it...simple as that. Also keep in mind that for some stuff, we don't have to test on both. For example, we have no supported little endian machines that are capable of running X, therefore, we don't care about testing X there. See how it works?


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