On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 01:12 +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> 6) I notice the amd64 team requre their arch testers to
>    take the ebuild quiz; I think this is a bit harsh, as
>    arch testers are regular users without commit access to
>    CVS etc.  A simpler quiz targetted at ensuring the arch
>    testers know what is expected of them would lower the
>    bar and should encourage more users to join in.  Using
>    the ebuild quiz means you get people who quickly become
>    devs in their own right...

        Just until we get finished with the AT quiz, which is working out to be
more QA/troubleshooting oriented. The ebuid.quiz was handy, and is a
good way to check if the prospect has at least read the docs enough to
get the questions answered. It also helps ensure they really want it,
rather then having a high turnover rate. The ppc ATs took the test as
well, which I reviewed, and gave pointers where there was a problem.
JoseJX seems to have liked the help he's gotten so far from them. 

        As for making dev.. hehe.. Yeah, it's a start, and there for awhile we
had like 2 ATs because they'd all made dev ;) It does give you a pool of
dev prospects as well, which works out nicely. Several of the amd64 ATs
submit patches with their bug reports which helps the devs out as well.
We now have several ATs that have no interest in making dev, content
with helping out as an AT. Got a little longer then I wanted, but wanted
to give a decent explanation of our experiences so far.

Homer Parker
Gentoo/AMD64 Arch Tester Strategic Lead

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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