At one time we had a problem with gentoo sources having way too many use flags and patches which lead to there being an incalculable number of ways that gentoo -sources could turn out. It was a pita to maintain. A pita to troubleshoot. There were weird bugs that we couldn't reproduce easily. Basically, it was one of the worst packages to maintain in Gentoo. We had to adopt an attitude of complete loathing for kernel source packages having multiple outcomes. This loathing is probably still embedded somewhere in all of us that have been on the kernel team at one point or another.


Jan Kundrát wrote:
John Mylchreest wrote:

For the record, there is a bug open for this. (#64009)
Personally, I'm not keen on the idea.
the only way which we can do this is by detecting which arch we are
installing the sources, for, which immediately means many installs of
USE=minimal are not the same.

Er, but why is this a problem? Does it matter that the package will
install different files on x86 than on mips? Or am I just overlooking
the point?


I top post... suck it
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