Peter Hyman wrote:

>Firstly; to be asked to become a developer you should either apply to an
>opening, or just help out whether in the form of user support or filing
>bug reports - we notice frequent contributors making contributions to
>Gentoo and we attempt to reward them by giving them the chance to become
>a Gentoo developer. Gentoo has many paths, and the Gentoo Developer
>Relations Recruitment Team is always looking out not just for developers
>- documentation writers and infrastructure maintainers are just as
>important too for our distribution to run smoothly.
>You should look out for openings for developers in the GWN, as well as
>the /topic of #gentoo-bugs on - if you feel you could
>fill in one of those positions, try to find a mentor who is willing to
>sponsor you, or contact the Gentoo Recruiters who may be able to find a
>mentor for you. Please do not file "New Developer" bugs on yourself
>since this task is designated for the mentor and any such bugs will be
>Certainly, I am others have fulfilled this. I have emailed the two
>maintainers offering to assist. No response.
>For some reason, rox does not show up as a staffing need. That should be
>I'm not going to bloat this thread. I am here to help, and I know at
>least one other fellow who probably would be willing to help too. It's
>easy, quick, and will make what users there are for rox happy.
>As I noted, the intent here was not to add any additional work for
>developers. On the contrary, the work is done already. We're already
>"helping out" we're filing bug reports, we're creating ebuilds that
>work. All that needs to be done is get them into portage.
>If you are unable to find a suitable developer to maintain rox, then
>please let me know and I will see about assembling a herd for it.

Indeed, your name is everywhere when it comes down to rox thing. Because
your dedication on rox subject, I am willing to help you become a dev,
but I need to be sure you are not going to dissapear in the very next
Gentoo history is full of such individuals who only want to be sure that
they could become devs but are not willing to put any effort behind it.

Do you want be a dev? Are you sure you could take the heat? What do you
expect from Gentoo and what do you have to offer in exchange?

Please email me the answers to these questions on my private address. I
need to know you a bit before I decide if I could mentor you or not.

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