On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 03:24:38PM +0200, Frank Schafer wrote:
> Hello,
> this bug is from 2005-02-05. It was reported again (in this thread)
> 2005-02-10. I hit the same behavior 2005-09-08.
> internal compiler error: segmentation fault during emerge Xorg
> The bug is simply reproducible (emerge Xorg) at the same line of code.
> The bug is still marked as NEW. Donnie Berkholz replied 2005-02-10 with:
> "Could you humor me and try with a vanilla kernel?"
> My questions here: Does someone have a look at this? I think a not
> installable Xorg is severe enough to mark it as CRITICAL.
> Does someone know if it's worth a try with the vanilla and if vanilla
> here means a really vanilla from kernel.org or if it's sufficient to get
> the (too patched and thus not so vanilla) vanilla-sources.
> Please be kind with me regarding to the fact that I'm posting here. On
> the gentoo mailing list I get only replies like: "You probably have
> faulty memory." If THIS would be the fact the bug would show up randomly
> in different ebuilds or at least at different lines of code.

Granted Donnie is a miserable so and so, but his advice is 

To get an ICE (what you're getting) requires either
1) faulty hardware.  proc going nuts, mem going nuts
2) faulty kernel
3) faulty toolchain

Reproducability of a failure across reboots kind of indicates 1 as not 
being the case, leaving 2, and 3.

ICE's are pretty much *never* the fault of the source; the source may 
expose a toolchain bug, but it's not the sources fault.  

You don't blame an email for crashing your email client, you blame your 
email client for horking up and segfaulting, instead of gracefully 
failing in the face of potentially wrong input.

Note I'm not stating the source is the fault here, just trying to 
clarify that ICE's pretty much are indicative of 
hardware/kernel/toolchain being nuts, not the source that's being 

So... try his suggestion.  Yes it's annoying, but frankly addressing 
your issues here pretty much requires poking at the options above, 
seeing if one of them makes compilation stop ICE'ing.  If it does, 
then you back track and figure out what changed... etc.

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