Jon Portnoy wrote: [Tue Sep 13 2005, 11:22:32AM CDT]
> > 
> > The actual powers/role of devrel has always been a grey area.
> No it hasn't, unless by 'gray area' you mean 'a few people who don't 
> like devrel claim it shouldn't be able to do anything because drobbins 
> set it up'
> Recruitment, conflict resolution, disciplinary issues. I.e., 'managing 
> developers.'

I'm not sure that's entirely correct.  I seem to remember at least one
devrel dev stating that when it comes to devs who violate technical
policies (not using repoman, repeatedly breaking sections of the tree,
etcetera) that enforcement should be left up to the appropriate
managers, not devrel.  The argument was that devrel devs are often not
experts in the technical aspects, so it's hard for them to adjudicate

Of course, I could be entirely mistaken, but I know that I'm not the
only person who has this impression.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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