Paul de Vrieze wrote:[Fri Sep 16 2005, 04:11:14PM EDT]
> > Those should be in package.mask. ~arch is for candidates for arch that
> > haven't yet proven themselves.
> It's often the case that those ebuilds in principle work, but there
> are other reasons for not marking stable yet. Some packages for
> example can have upgrade problems for stable users while being
> stable for testing (by benefit of allready having passed such
> upgrade problems). Masking the ebuild is not really an option
> (causing testing users to go through unnecessary hoops again), while
> marking stable is also no option.

You're saying there's four states:

    ~arch candidate for arch

Putting packages in package.mask isn't a hardship for testers.  I'm
not sure that's a good reason for the additional state.  It's purely
a matter of

    echo 'dev-util/mercurial' >> /etc/portage/package.unmask

So far I find myself agreeing with Ciaran's idea in this thread.
I don't see the point (yet) in more than three states.


Aron Griffis
Gentoo Linux Developer

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