Phil Richards wrote:
> On 2005-09-14, John N. Laliberte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Normally, I would just unmask pmount, but the comment doesn't exactly
> fill me with confidence as regards the stability of pmount (and whereas
> I am happy for gnome to crash in a heap, I tend to be a little more
> cautious around things that work at lower levels in the system)...

Actually if you look at the comment you can see that it is dbus and hal
that seem to have the problems. I have used pmount without a problem for
quite a while now. There is one bug open about pmount on
but for me it looks like a user error.

> Should I just go ahead and unmask, or what if I want to test out gnome
> 2.12?

That I leave up to you.

> phil

Petteri Räty (Betelgeuse)

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