Wernfried Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Coming from the user side (forums) i fully agree. Common sense among
> the users always used to be:
> arch: stable
> ~arch: testing
> p.mask: broken

And this is what it should be IMHO.
The solutions so far seem to introduce only a new testing layer, already
represented by ~arch and advertised as such:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/hb-portage-branches.xml
> --snip--
> The Testing Branch
> [...]
> Beware though, you might notice stability issues, imperfect package
> handling (for instance wrong/missing dependencies), too frequent
> updates (resulting in lots of building) or broken packages. If you do
> not know how Gentoo works and how to solve problems, we recommend that
> you stick with the stable and tested branch. 
> --snip--

> Doesn't exactly sound like packages in ~arch should be ready to enter
> arch after 30 days (and or the other QA requirements).

The rules for a package to go to arch were introduced to me as
* >30 days ~arch
* no open bugs
* tested by AT|Dev and deemed stable

And IMHO this is both flexible and quick enough. If anybody has a
problem with the ebuild going stable, file a bug or bug a dev and
explain that you think the ebuild needs more testing.
That's about it.

> I'd rather like to finally see proper QA applied and those who don't
> beaten with a stick than making fundamental changes to existing common
> sense just because it is written down somewhere _that_ way.

Well, i think everybody's wants "proper QA". The problem was just "how
to". And of course i agree with you on that stick part ;-)


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