On Monday 19 September 2005 15:22, warnera6 wrote:
> Mark Loeser wrote:
> > Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> >> I think that dev-util is a very specific category containing
> >> development utilities of some sort. There might be some
> >> misclassifications in them, but from a user perspective I don't really
> >> care about the language anything is written in. As C++ is so
> >> widespread I don't think that anything but app-misc or the like should
> >> be moved into a dev-cpp category.
> >
> > This isn't for what the package is written in, but more for what the
> > package is for.  If the package is a utility for use when doing coding
> > with C++, like the ones I listed, then I think it should be in dev-cpp.
> >  That's what the metadata for the category describes it to be.
> >
> > Mark
> Once again I'd like to point out that organizing packages in the tree by
> category is a stupid idea for this very reason.

and what's *your* certain proposal then?

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