Chris Gianelloni wrote:
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 15:29 -0500, Brian Harring wrote:

Alternatives/better approaches I'd be open to, although I'll admit up front I think what you're attempting needs to be pkg specific, which implies DESCRIPTION in the ebuild (to me at least).

Snipping pretty much everything since I *really* don't care.

I'm just dumping this idea.  I was proposing it because of a
conversation with a user where we thought it would be a good idea to
give the user some way of knowing that a package requires some
additional purchased (or otherwise obtained) portion that is not a
distfile/tarball.  Anyway, you seem to have done a good job of
convincing me of whatever it is you think you've convinced me of, but
the truth is I just didn't care enough to bother getting into some
pointless pissing match over something that I didn't feel very strongly
about in the first place.  Basically, you "win" by default of me just
not caring enough to argue anymore.
A. The above is kind of sad in terms of the outcome, I'm sorry more people didn't jive with your idea, but there is no need to cry about it. B. Whats wrong with stuffing it into metadata.xml and modifying p.g.o to pull the extra data out? It certainly isn't that complicated. Or just modify the DESCRIPTION field. "Doom3" -> DESCRIPTION = " A popular first person shooter. This game requires a license key to play." Simple no?

-Alec Warner
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