On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 09:07:00AM -0500, Kito wrote:
> [Portage devs please don't throw rocks at me]
All out of rocks :/

> My impression of the userland, elibc, and kernel use expanded vars is  
> it was a quick way to sidestep some of the issues with GLEP22... it  
> would seem the full keywords have still not been taken advantage of.  
> From the ebuild perspective, if the profile has a keyword of x86- 
> fbsd-bsd-fbsd, there is no clean way to just do a conditional based  
> on a 'Keyword Fragment' as there are obviously namespace collisions.
> Ideal to me would be syntax something like:
>   kernel !fbsd && foo
>   libc glibc || bar
>   userland darwin && boof

Bash side of it's pretty easy to implement however needed, the problem 
here (and why imo USE_EXPAND came into existance) is getting those 
conditional nodes into the dep syntax evaluation without trampling 
other use vars.

And *-*-*-fbsd as a conditional node sucks in depends, is ugly, oh so 
ugly.  :)

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